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Everything You Need to Know About Induced and Re-lactation

December 3, 2020

Babies are magical creatures. They fascinate you. Can you relate to that feeling when you cuddle with them and all your worries evaporate? We do too. Babies need utmost care. Their plump cheeks, beautiful soft skin, and that heart-warming smile need preservation. How, you ask? Breastfeeding!

Breastfeeding is the most natural phenomenon. Babies naturally know how to suckle and on the other hand, a mom’s body naturally knows how and when to produce milk. All babies are naturally built by nature in a way that induces them into breastfeeding. However, some human interference might make it otherwise. Force-stopping breastfeeding before the recommended time is one such interference. It signals your body to stop producing breast milk. Moreover, in case of adopted or surrogated babies, a mother’s body is not prepared to produce milk. That’s when re-lactation and Induced lactation come into picture.

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Breastfeeding is one of the magical feelings a woman can ever experience in her life no matter whether she is a biological, surrogate, or foster mother of a baby.

This inspiring quote on breastfeeding explains it well: “Breastfeeding isn’t just about the milk. It is about Love.

Breastfeeding is pretty vital for newborns because breast milk contains crucial antibodies, proteins, fats, and vitamins that help babies grow well, fight infections and other fatal diseases. Further, you can’t deny that breastfeeding offers an excellent way to biological, surrogate, or foster mothers to bond with their babies.

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A different aspect of breastfeeding involves techniques like Induced and Re-lactation.

  • Induced Lactation:

So, if we talk about Induced Lactation, then the best thing about it is, any woman can stimulate lactation to feed a baby no matter whether she had any gynecological history related to pregnancy. It is requested in the case when a woman gets ready to be a surrogate mother for a baby just because his/her biological mother can’t feed her baby for some reasons. Also, it is needed when a woman, who never had a child, decides to or is willing to adopt a baby.

  • Re-lactation:

Further, if we talk about Re-lactation, then it is a process of resuming breastfeeding after a gap. The reason for this gap may be illness, weakness or breast pain due to feeding in the wrong position. In the initial months, mother’s milk for a baby is too critical, but a lack of awareness leads mothers to stop breastfeeding. As a result of which, they are left with no choice but to give formula to a baby. Let’s delve deeper into this:

How Induced Lactation Is Possible?

During pregnancy, the production of milk occurs due to complex interactions between three crucial hormones namely estrogen, progesterone, and prolactin. With the aid of well-formulated hormone supplements, these hormones can be mimicked inside the body to produce milk even without pregnancy. Apart from these supplements, breast massage, nipple manipulation, and sucking either by adopted baby, or electric breast pump helps produce milk. However, it is a time-taking procedure that needs an expert’s guidance so that it could be done at no risk.

Probable Reasons for Induced Lactation:

  • Health issues in the biological mother
  • To ensure essential nourishment for a baby
  • To create an emotional bond with the baby

Know more- Diet For Improved Lactation & Foods To Avoid.

How Re-lactation Is Possible?

One of the common misconceptions in Indian society is that once the breastmilk gets dried up, a mother will no longer be able to breastfeed. However, nature is indeed a mysterious thing. Babies come into this world naturally, and so does mother’s milk. Artificial interference might stop the production of breastmilk, but it cannot stop it from reoccurring. Stopping breastfeeding can be medically indicated in some cases where the mother is not fit enough to continue this process. Further, every woman should get proper education for breastfeeding so that they could handle this responsibility.

Breastfeeding, if done correctly, is immensely helpful for both the mother and the baby. To start re-lactation, you need to keep two things in your mind. You need to bring the baby back to the breast, and you need to work on bringing back the milk supply. Consulting a lactation expert is definitely what you need to do. A lactation expert helps in triggering the production of milk through various supplements, massage, nipple stimulation, etc. Needless to say, mother’s milk works like an elixir for a baby, so regular breastfeeding has numerous positive health benefits, even if a baby is given a formula alongside.

Probable Reasons for Re-lactation:

  • For better health of the baby considering the numerous benefits of breastmilk
  • Indigestion, allergies, or other health issues caused due to formula diet
  • Lack of nourishment through the formula

Both Induced and Re-lactation take time, patience, dedication, consultation with experts, and a lot of work so that babies could get their deserving diets. Cloudnine’s lactation experts realize how critical it is to nurture a life, however, we also believe that nature takes care of every baby, and mothers are a medium chosen by nature to guard that precious life. We help mothers take good care of the baby while also ensuring their own good health.

Must read- What Is The Importance Of Breastfeeding?

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