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Breastfed babies are healthy & Breastfeeding has enormous benefits for the baby

For every newborn baby perfect nutritional food is Breast milk specially in the first 6 months. To propagate this & to promote breast feeding, August 1-7 is celebrated as Breast feeding week all over the world. Breastfed babies are healthy & Breastfeeding has enormous benefits for the baby, mother, family, society, country & the environment!

Brief History of World Breast feeding week. (WBW)

  • In 1991 -The World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action (WABA) was formed to protect, promote and support breastfeeding. A day dedicated to breastfeeding was suggested to be marked in the calendar of international events. The idea of a day's celebration was later turned into a week.
  • In 1992- WBW was first celebrated. Now it involves over 170 countries and is endorsed by UNICEF, WHO, FAO and IPAE.
  • In 2015 September-the world leaders committed to 17 goals aimed at ending poverty, protecting the planet and ensuring prosperity -together forming the "Sustainable Development Goals"
  • In 2016 -theme of WBW is to spread the links between breastfeeding and the Sustainable Development Goals. We all have a part to play in achieving these goals by 2030
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Advantages of Breastfeeding Baby

  • Protects baby from infections, allergy, asthma
  • Reduces the risk of diarhoea, ear infection, respiratory illness
  • Improves IQ & brain development
  • Promotes bowel movements & prevents constipation
  • Provides good hydration
  • Easly digestible, daily available & free !
  • Suckling optimises hand-eye coordination
  • Prevents intestinal problem like necrotising entercolitis(NEC)
  • Satisfy baby's emotional needs
  • Natural tranquilliser for the baby
  • Pain relief for babies
  • Less vomiting and gastric reflexes
  • Facilitates proper jaw and dental development
  • Breast fed babies get fewer dental cavities
  • Better speech development and cognitive function
  • Reduces the risk of obesity, diabetes, hypertension


  • Helps in losing weight
  • Decreases uterine bleeding /blood loss
  • Reduced risk of breast/ovarian cancer, osteoporosis, post partum depression, type 2 diabetes
  • Save time and money
  • Natural contraception
  • Easy to feed & free
  • Increases self confidence
  • More sleep for parents


  • Start breast feeding within one hour of birth
  • Feed each side for 15-20 minutes - avoid bottles/pacifiers
  • Fore milk is rich in protein, glucose, water
  • Hind milk is rich in immunoglobulins, fat
  • Feed minimum for twelve months
  • Average milk production per day by both breast is one litre
  • Breast milk can be stored hygienically & can be used later
  • 25% of new moms never breast feed
  • 23% breastfeed upto 12 months


  • Breastfeeding causes sagging of breasts
  • Feeding need not be frequent in bottle feeding
  • Colostrum should not be fed
  • Baby should be given honey/sugar/jaggery water before feeding to welcome him into the world
  • Small breasts produces less milk
  • Shouldn't breastfeed when mother is ill (diarrhoea, cough, cold)
  • Cry indicates less milk

For every newborn baby perfect nutritional food is Breast milk specially in the first 6 months.

To propagate this & to promote breast feeding, August 1-7 is celebrated as Breast feeding week all over the world. Breastfed babies are healthy & Breast feeding has enormous benefits for the baby, mother, family, society, country & the environment!

Food that increases breast milk

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