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New Born Babies

Cloudnine is known to set new benchmarks in providing care for new born babies. Along with comprehensive and specialized care, we perform a series of regular tests on your new born to check their health and physical condition. Immediately after the delivery, a few tests are conducted to figure out whether the baby requires urgent medical care. At Cloudnine, we strive to take care of your new-born’s basic requirements and provide you the right information so that you can be an informed parent. Our pediatric care is one-of-a-kind in the city. Apart from required vaccinations, doses of vitamins, and new born screening, Guthrie test is also conducted to identify any biochemical disorders. An emergency team is also available 24X7 to make sure that you get timely assistance whenever required.

Baby’s Developmental Milestones

Mental Milestones in Newborn Babies

The first time you hold your baby in your arms and the angelic face looks up to you and smiles – that is probably the most cherished moment of parenthood. Suddenly you realize that you are holding an individual with a mind of its own. It is also a sign that your baby is steadily growing and all set to achieve various development milestones. The first year of your baby’s life is very crucial because this is when your little one will sweep past various growth landmarks. Keeping track of mental milestones your child achieves during this time is important, because babies go through changes so rapidly.

Mental milestones, or development milestones as they are often called, showcase your baby’s intellectuality and developing social skills. You ought to start seeing this from when the child starts smiling at people. These social smiles, which most infants display at 6 weeks of age, are a sign that the baby is developing visual acuity. They can now see people properly, identify them and smile accordingly.

However, before you get excited, remember this – babies will flash social smiles at everyone, even if they do not recognize you! However, if your little one does not flaunt a social smile till it is eight weeks old, bring this to the attention of your pediatrician.

Music to the Ears

Between 8 to 12 weeks, your baby will start making cooing sounds, which is an indication that it is developing its vocal sensation properly. This milestone will be followed with another significant one – where your baby starts speaking.

Generally, most kids are able to utter consonants or words like “Mama”, “Papa” or “Dada” between six to nine months. Often, the child might not attach any meaning to these words and might call you “Mama” and then turn around and call a box “Mama” too!

Some early talkers start uttering words when they are just six months old, while others might take as long as nine months. This is perfectly normal, because no two babies are alike and have different milestones.

Usually, babies can string two consonants together, for e.g. “My papa” or “My mama” by their first birthday, though some might take as long as 15 to 18 months. So do not panic if your child is taking longer to voice out words. However, if you little one has not started saying consonants by their first birthday, your pediatrician should be informed.

Immersed as you would be in your baby’s ever-changing emotions and moods, keep a chart handy to tick out your little one’s mental milestones. Years later, your baby would love to peruse it too once he or she has grown up!

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Deciphering Baby Cries

Soothing a Crying Baby

A wailing newborn is every parent’s worst nightmare come true. Of course, all babies cry since it is the only way they can communicate. They cry when hungry, sleepy, wet, uncomfortable, in pain or just like that.

Sadly, newborns do not come with an instruction panel that indicates the specific reason they are crying for. And parents are often left with a bawling baby and little clue about what should be done.

Listening to a crying newborn can be tough, but deciphering why the child is distressed is tougher. As you bond with your little one over the weeks, you will be better able to spot the cause behind these tears and resolve it.

In the meantime, here are some check boxes you can tick off mentally when trying to soothe a crying infant.

Why Does Babies Cry

Hunger is the most common reason for a baby’s crying bout. Since they have small stomachs, newborns need to feed often. Whenever the baby is wailing, check whether the baby wants to be fed. And always remember to burp the child. Sometimes kids who don’t burp after a feed might sense discomfort and will complain vociferously.

The other major irritant for newborns is wet nappies or uncomfortable clothing. Whenever your baby cries, check if the diaper needs to be changed or whether any article of the clothing is irritating the skin. Also, check if the attire is season-appropriate. Too many layers of clothes in the summer can make the baby sweaty and uncomfortable, while a thin vest and nappies in the winter can leave them feeling cold.

Sometimes, babies might protest loudly if the lights in the room are too bright or if a sudden loud sound startles them. Just pick the little one up and gently rock the baby while making soothing sounds. Your child will feel comforted and safe and will gradually settle down.

Craving the Human Touch

It has been noticed that some children cry incessantly during late evenings or nights. That could either be a sign of tiredness or irritation in the tummy. Thankfully, doctors believe this to be a passing phase and your child will outgrow it within weeks. However, it might be a good idea to avoid over-stimulating the baby. If several people play with the baby throughout the day, the newborn might get tired and cranky, and will cry inconsolably.

Then there are times when babies just want to be held, especially by the mother. So whenever your newborn cries, hold the child snugly in your arms and pace around the room murmuring comforting words. In most cases, the baby will calm down and doze happily.

Whilst pushing, hold your breath and use the same muscles you use during a bowel movement. Attempt to hold your breath while pushing to the count of 10. Then release your breath and quickly repeat the entire process. Ideally, you should attempt to get three pushes with each contraction.

However, if your baby cries incessantly and cannot be soothed, it is a good idea to visit your doctor. The healthcare practitioner can identify if the baby is suffering from some issue, like colic, and offer appropriate remedy.

As a parent, you share the strongest bond with the newborn. So, you are the best judge in deciphering whether your baby is crying for food, warmth or comfort. Over time, your baby will communicate with you through eye contact and other body language signs. Until then, lavish lot of TLC on your baby and soon the sniffles will turn to gurgles of joy.

Baby Bath Massage

Making Bath Time an Occasion to Cherish

Often Indian families get a midwife or masseuse to massage and bathe newborn babies. Some adopt this practice because they have seen their parents do the same. Others follow it because they are scared of handling a tiny tot, especially amidst soap and water.

However, centuries ago, mothers massaged and bathed their newborns without anyone’s intervention and their children turned out to be strapping youngsters. Would you not want to follow their example and use bath time as another excuse to better bond with your baby?

As Easy As You Please

Begin the bathing routine with a gentle massage. This relaxes the baby and improves the sleep patterns. Choose any light oil – be it almond, coconut, olive or mustard – and tenderly massage your baby’s body with fluid and smooth movements. If you wish to use perfumed oils with exotic ingredients, dab a little on your baby’s skin to check whether it suits your child. In fact, doing a sensitivity test for any product that comes in contact of your baby’s skin can help avoid rashes.

Your newborn’s body is extremely delicate so avoid pressing vigorously or applying extra pressure. Also, avoid massaging near the eyes or pouring oil in the ears or nostrils, because there is no proof that this benefits the baby in any way. Avoid massaging the umbilical cord too; it will dry and fall off without any assistance.

After massage, some folks let the newborn soak up the early morning sunrays. This is a good custom, because your baby can get a healthy dose of Vitamin D while the oil seeps into the body. However, if you wish to skip this routine, that is absolutely fine too.

Setting a Routine

Choose a time of the day when your baby and you are relaxed, be it early morning or before you both settle down for the night. Organize everything you need for the bath in advance, including the massage oil, soap, shampoo, warm water, towels, moisturizer, etc. This will ensure you don’t have to keep getting up whilst bathing your child.

Select a comfortable position so you can hold the baby firmly. You can bathe the newborn either in a bathtub or on your outstretched legs. Rub a little soap between your palms and lather it on your baby’s body. Wash off with some warm water and then pat dry the baby before dressing up. Chances are your baby will be happily nodding away by this time, so a quick feed can help the little moppet doze peacefully.

In the beginning, massaging and bathing your baby might look like an intimidating affair. You can ask a family member to be with you when during this routine initially till you feel more confident. Before you know it, your baby and you will both look forward to this daily bonding session.

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Newborn Baby Tests

Testing Times

It is that precious moment you keep imagining many times in your mind. Your baby is born and you will finally hold your infant in your arms. However, after the baby’s birth, your pediatrician will need to examine your newborn and run some basic tests. It is therefore best that you discuss these tests beforehand with your doctor, so you are prepared for this brief interlude, when the time comes. Immediately after birth, a pediatrician will conduct a thorough physical examination of your baby to check breathing, behavior, activity, posture and skin color. It takes newborns some minutes to adjust to the changes in the new environment and they often do not need any medical intervention. However, in case the child has difficulty in drawing breaths, the doctor will take necessary steps to stabilize the baby before handing the little one to the mother.

Once confident that the child is breathing fine, the pediatrician will next record the weight and measure the circumference of the head, besides checking that the body temperature is normal. A quick test follows to check the newborn’s reflexive responses to touch, sound and light. The doctor will also check the inside of the mouth and put a finger in the mouth to see if the baby can suckle well.

Next, the genitalia is examined, along with overall muscle tone, pulse and heart rate. The doctor will count and check the digits on the hands and feet verifying that the newborn is placing the feet and ankles correctly at rest. This helps the doctor negate the presence of clubfoot or other anomalies.

Some Additional Tests

Ultrasound scans might not be able to detect metabolic, developmental or genetic diseases. Only obvious anomalies or physical defects are noticed during this scan. Newborns therefore are suggested screening tests so that the doctor can detect any metabolic disorders.

These days, a blood test is also conducted to rule out any metabolic disorders that can interfere in the proper functioning of the body. This test’s results will help the doctor determine if the newborn has any inherited or congenital medical conditions that need medical attention.

The doctor might conduct a painless hearing test to check your baby’s hearing. In case any anomalies in the heart are detected, your doctor might recommend that your baby go for tests to rule out critical congenital heart defect (CCHD).

Many newborns also suffer from jaundice, which occurs when the bilirubin builds up faster than a newborn’s liver can break it down and pass it from the body. All infants are screened for jaundice these days. In most cases, it resolves by itself within a few days. However, the doctor will keep monitoring the baby’s bilirubin count, because extremely high levels could cause deafness, cerebral palsy, or other forms of brain damage in some babies.

Don’t worry; you don’t need to memorize all these details about your baby’s health. Your doctor will enter this information into a baby wellbeing file, which will be handed over to you upon discharge from the hospital. These test results will not only give your little one a clean bill of health, but will guide you on taking better care of your angel.

Baby’s Vaccination Milestones

Polio Drops Schedule – A Prick in Time

When a baby is delivered surgically through an incision made in the mother’s uterus, the procedure is called a Cesarean section, or C-section. While most doctors prefer that the baby is delivered through regular labour, certain medical conditions necessitate the need for medical intervention in delivering the baby.

Vaccines fortify your child’s internal defense mechanism to fight against serious diseases. Since it is not possible, or advisable, for Vaccination at one go, your doctor will draw up an immunization schedule.

Let us get acquainted with the mandatory vaccines that will feature in your child’s wellbeing calendar:

After Birth: Hours after your baby’s birth, your doctor will administer a BCG shot, which protects against tuberculosis, as well as the first dose of Oral Polio drops and Hepatitis B vaccine.

Between 6 to 8 Weeks: When your infant is a month and half old, the first dose for DTP, HIB and PCV vaccines will be administered. DTP vaccine builds immunity against diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis; while HIB counters Haemophilus Influenza. PCV which is an optional vaccine offers protection against pneumonia and meningitis caused by the pneumococcus bacteria.

Recently, the WHO recommended the inclusion of Rotavirus vaccine, which is again optional, in the schedule, which reduces diarrhea and dehydration. It is dispensed along with the second dose of Oral polio drops and Hepatitis B vaccine.

Between 10 – 14 Weeks: When your baby is around 10 weeks old, your doctor will give the second round of DTP, HIB, PCV and Rotavirus doses along with the third dosage of Oral Polio drops. The third dosage of these vaccines is given when your baby around 14 weeks.

Between 9 – 18 Months: Before your baby’s first birthday when they complete their 9 months, the doctor will give a shot of measles vaccine and the fifth dose of Oral Polio drops. The next vaccine, to prevent Hepatitis A, is given when your baby is a year old after the first birthday.

Between 15 – 24 Months: Your toddler will get booster doses of DTP and HIB as well as immunization against MMR (Measles, mumps and rubella) between 15 to 18 months. Before turning two years old, your young one will be due for a booster dose of Oral Polio drops and the second dose of Hepatitis a vaccine.

Optional Vaccines

In addition to these mandatory vaccines, there are some optional vaccines available too. For instance, there is an Injectable Polio vaccine given in addition to Oral Polio drops, as well as an Influenza injection that minimizes the occurrence of the common flu and also covers H1N1.

The optional vaccine to stave off chicken pox is considered very important, as is meningococcal vaccine that protects toddlers from four strains of meningitis. Discuss these options with your pediatrician, who can share more insights on how these can benefit your child.

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