Dr Rolika Keshri is a top Obstetrician & Gynaecologist in Hyderabad, With a remarkable 18 years of Practice and specialised in providing comprehensive healthcare services to women.
Fields of Expertise
Laparoscopy Procedures
Hysteroscopic Procedures
Open surgeries
Gold Medalist
Dr. Rolika Keshri practices at Hitech City, Hyderabad.
You can book a consultation with Dr. Rolika Keshri via ‘Cloudnine app’, through the Cloudnine website, a phone call on the customer care no, or directly from the hospital.
Patients frequently visit Dr. Rolika Keshri for concerns like Maternity and Gynecological Treatments.
Anytime via ‘Cloudnine App’ or Cloudnine’s website.
Dr. Rolika Keshri has the following qualifications: MBBS MS OBSTETRICS & GYNAECOLOGY.
Dr. Rolika Keshri is an OBG Consultant.
Dr. Rolika Keshri is the best Gynecologist in Hitech City, Hyderabad. Dr. Rolika Keshri is a Consultant at Cloudnine Hospitals - Consult the best Gynecology specialist nearby you.