Dr. Puuja Arora Bhatnagar is an Obstetrician & Gynecologist in Cloudnine Hospital Sec 47 Gurgaon. She is affectionate and has friendly terms with her patient. Dr. Puuja Arora Bhatnagar focuses on individualized attention to every patient and treats every expecting mother/ patient as an individual, not as a case. So far, she handled many un-booked and neglected cases of pregnancies with the positive outcome. The ratio of normal vaginal delivery: cesarean section is very high. She specializes in high-risk pregnancies, twin pregnancies, diabetes in pregnancies, high blood pressure and bleeding in pregnancies AND PAINLESS DELIVERIES. Laparoscopy and ovarian cystectomy ,hysterectomy also done under her supervision with very competent team. Dr. Puuja has a special interest in pregnancy & pregnancy related issues. She handles high-risk pregnancies with the philosophy of "Prevention is Better Than Cure". A mantra of treating the patient "Foresee the Complications, Always Alert and Always Available ".
HMC 007044
Dr. Puuja Arora Bhatnagar practices at Sector 47, Gurugram.
You can book a consultation with Dr. Puuja Arora Bhatnagar via 'Cloudnine' app, through the Cloudnine website, a phone call on the customer care no, or directly from the hospital
Patients frequently visit Dr. Puuja Arora Bhatnagar for concerns like pregnancy, maternity, and gynecology consultations and treatments.
Anytime via 'Cloudnine' app or Cloudnine's website.
Dr. Puuja Arora Bhatnagar has the following qualifications: MBBS, DGO, MRCOG.
Dr. Puuja Arora Bhatnagar is an OB-GYN specialist.
Dr. Puuja Arora Bhatnagar is the best Gynecologists in Sector 47, Gurugram. Book Appointment Online, View doctor fees, read user reviews and real patient feedbacks, Contact Number - 099728 99728. Dr. Puuja Arora Bhatnagar is a Consultant at Cloudnine Hospitals - Consult the best Gynecology specialist nearby you. Dr. Puuja Arora Bhatnagar holds MBBS, DGO, MRCOG.