Dr. Bhavna Banga is an internationally trained dedicated fertility & IVF expert with clinical experience of over 18 years. Her fertility and IVF practices are channeled by extensive training in India & at world renowned fertility units. She blends the best practice from East and West to optimise reproductive outcomes for her patients. All the treatments are evidence-based, not merely based on speculations, and personally carried out by Dr. Banga herself, hence reinforcing the concept of personalized medicine. What sets her apart is her positive approach, approachability for queries, personalized attention, and evidence based tailor made treatment options .
Work Experience Currently -
• Clinical Director & Unit Head, Department of Fertility & IVF, Cloudnine Hospitals, South Delhi
• Director-Department of Fertility & IVF, Cloudnine Hospitals, Noida, Faridabad
Past Affiliation & Post holding
• Director & Head, Department of Reproductive Medicine & IVF, Max Healthcare, Delhi/NCR
• Director - Department of Reproductive Medicine & IVF at BLK - Max Healthcare, Delhi
• Senior Consultant & Unit Head, Department of Reproductive Medicine & IVF, Fortis Hospital, Delhi/NCR
• Clinical Associate, Genesis Fertility & IVF Centre, Pune
• Senior residency, Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology, SMS Hospital, Jaipur
• MBBS - Pune university
• MS - Mumbai university
• Clinical Fellowship in Reproductive Medicine – Gujrat
Advanced IVF training in fertility & IVF at World - Renowned Centres
· Monash IVF, Melbourne(Australia)
· Yale Fertility, Yale University(U.S.A)
· Royal Victoria Hospital, McGillUniversity (Canada)
· Homerton University Hospital,NHS, London (UK)
· Weill Cornell Male ReproductiveCentre, (New York)
· Androfert, Centre of Excellencefor Male Infertility, Campinas (Brazil)
· IVI Valencia, Spain
Specialty Interest
• Management of Male & Female Fertility.
• Fertility preservation in cancer patients.
• Management of patients with low Egg Reserve (Low AMH).
• Pre - genetic screening / Pre -genetic diagnoses (PGT-A/PGT-M).
• Optimizing outcome in infectious couple (HIV / HCV / HbsAg / VDRL)
• PCOS/Endometriosis/Fibroids/Egg Donation
• Surrogacy/ Donor program ( Egg,Sperm & Embryo)
• Social freezing(Egg, Sperm, Embryo)
• Testicular sperm retrieval (TESA, PESA, Micro TESA )
• PRP treatment/ERA test
DMC-60437, UPMC-79242, HMC - 013021
Words cannot express how thankful we are for all your support, guidance and help to make our dreams come true. You are extremely knowledgeable and caring, and were always available to answer our many questions throughout this emotional roller coaster of our precious pregnancy. We are simply grateful and can't wait to share our views. Dr. Bhavna ma'am, I hope you realize the difference you make in people's lives everyday. For us you have been an angel doing godly works and I can't express how emotionally connected now we are with you. While writing this to you, I get very teary eyed and emotional. I was introduced to you an year ago, and looking back, what an emotional journey my wife Ritu and I have endured. It was on our first attempt with you we were blessed with our twins baby boy. While all these four years with other hospitals had literally traumatised us. As I reflect back on our journey with you I remember the first day we met you and you have convincingly assured us that "Ritu definitely you will become pregnant" and here came this day on 1st Feb 2016 when you gave us the gift our lives. With this few word we would like to thank you from our bottom of heart and on behalf of our whole family we wish you good health, happiness and sucess from almighty. We are so thankful we found you. We are so grateful and will cherish these never ever perishable memories. How can I thank you with words for giving us the gift of life? There is no thank you or form of appreciation that could ever do justice to what you have done for us. Your were relentless, confident and committed to making it happen even when we were doubtful. Your positive attitude was much needed and will never be forgotten. You have been a true blessing to our family and now we count all of you as a part of our family. We could not be more thrilled to be parents. We adore our both baby boy and sincerely request you to always shower your blessings on to us. Thank you so much. Looking forward for personal and many more associations with you mam
Dear Dr. Bhavna, We would like to take this opportunity to express our sincere gratitude and love to you for helping us live our most precious dream - having our own little bundle of joy, all possible due to your untiring efforts! I remember when we first met you, how patiently you went through all my previous reports and then explained us the reasons why things possibly could not click for us! You were positive from the very first meeting itself about the end result for us and reassured us that one day we would be holding our own baby in our hands, and that was the kickstart which assured us that we were seeking just the right person! Going through our reports, you explained us all the approaches to get the best result in optimum time. After much deliberation we started our line of treatment under your expert guidance. You not only encouraged us but also extended unconditional support at each stage. You were highly confident that one day I will surely conceive! Both me and my husband had full faith in your approach and trusted you completely! Though my first procedure went unsuccessful but we did not lose hope and decided to go foe a IVF procedure for the next attempt. With god’s grace and your untiring efforts, things clicked this time. On the day of checking for the result I was quite nervous but all my fears changed into tears of happiness when I saw a positive result! We were able to see this day only because of you and all your dedication Dr. Bhavna and thank you from the bottom our hearts. You have been a beacon of hope in our lives Dr. Bhavna! Your flexibility, dedication towards your profession, out of the box approach, individualized attention for your patients and promptness in replying towards all queries make you stand as exceptional doctor! You care for your patients as your family and the love, support and warmth you extend is unconditional! Today I am 37 weeks pregnant and eagerly awaiting to welcome our little one into our life. I truly pray to God to bless you with the best in life always! May you continue to rise and shine with all your good work, more power to you! Lots of love and regards.
It’d been three years of trying when we decided to get checked up by an infertility expert. We asked our gynaecologist for the same and she referred us to Dr. Bhavna Banga. When you were trying for such a long time and with so much information available on internet about IVF and its processes your mind will feel like very clear what you intent to do still its clouded. We visited Dr. Banga in start of 2022 and in the first visit she asked for couple of checkups for both of us and ended up suggesting Laparoscopy to be done. As I said, the mind always plays a game though clear but clouded, we decided to hold for a month and let’s go for it in the next month. I had to be in the day care for the same and the laparoscopy raised the curtains what was going on inside my body. She explained tiny bit of the results with utter detail and guided us for the next step. While all the communication was going on, she was quite active in responding to queries, that too on WhatsApp and for any query I hardly remember a day it ever took time for her to respond. We were not available for couple of months, so the IVF cycle we went through in almost mid of 2022. When you are already riding a roller coaster and few unwanted queries come from someone you hardly know leads to shoot up the level of anxiety you are already going through. One patient right beside me asked, this is your first cycle, the second question my mind asked meaning there could be multiple and you need to be ready for multiple failures. Though was trying to make my mind understand the same, it’s really difficult in the situation I was in. Only the person can understand who is actually going through the same. Still I held my feelings, mouth zipped, didn’t talk to my husband even about the same, I was already anxious, why to make him anxious too with such unwanted thoughts when one is already in it. Bhavna Ma’am suggested to get the FET done in next month or may take a break of a month or two, get refreshed, have a calm mind and then get it transferred. But we didn’t want to wait at all, so we requested to get the FET done in the said month itself. The day arrived, when FET was done, post the procedure we met Bhavna Mam and she asked for some do’s & don't s. I knew the drill after the FET so was ready with the pregnancy test kit, didn’t tell my husband that I am going to do the test, same reason curiosity and anxiety. Right before the day of the pregnancy test, Bhavna ma’am messaged to do the urine test as well as beta HCG. We did the test, it was one dark line, the 2nd line was so dull and we were totally devastated. Still my husband was not ready to accept, he said beta HCG is still pending and that will confirm the actual result, so let’s wait for the lab to open (7:30 AM). We threw the test result tube in the dustbin and went for beta HCG to be done. The lab was still not open, the opening time was 8:00 AM on that day. At the same time we messaged Bhavna mam about the urine test and informed that we are going for Beta HCG. She asked us click a picture of the urine test tube and send it to her. I took out the tube from dustbin and clicked a picture and sent it around 7:45 AM and now was waiting for her reply. In the meanwhile we did beta HCG and asked for the result by when can it be available, he replied, it should be there by evening, meaning we need to wait the entire day to know the results. Her reply came, it said “This is positive”. We both were in tears and words will fall short in explaining the same. The hospital remains closed on Sunday, she had some work that day so she asked if we can visit her. Around mid day we were there. While we were waiting and she was attending another patient, the Beta HCG report came from the lab and yes it was positive as ma’am said. And YES It was our FIRST FET and it was successful. Post three months of guided checkup we returned back to the gynaecologist for further checkups of pregnancy period. Then, hooh, we met Bhavna mam with our little munchkin after his first vaccination and she was so happy to meet him. An amazing, full of tears, full of joy, full of hope roller coaster ride of almost 1 and a half year. THE HURRY AND THE WAIT!! We are so grateful to her for everything.
I really don't know how to express our feeling through this text mail. "Thank you" would be a very small word for the wonderful gift that you have given to us. I would like to take you through my journey to pregnancy...it may be motivational for other childless couples. It’s a journey of 11years to reach us here. We got married in the year 2008 and after a period of year, started trying for baby. Since it was not happening naturally then we started consulting Doctors in Lucknow. We consulted with very renowned Doctors of lucknow but did not get the desirable result. In 2012, we shifted to Noida due to work. As we were craving to extend our family so we started again consulting Doctors and through one of the gynecologist we were referred to consult Dr. Bhavna Banga. After meeting Dr. Bhavna Banga we felt so motivated. After knowing our case history she suggested for IVF. We finally started the treatment in the year 2015 and got our first IVF cycle done. Though it failed but Dr. Bhavna Banga assured us that we would surely become parents. Dr. Banga was so hopeful and positive and she suggested for another cycle of IVF. Though due to some unavoidable circumstances in family we could not continue the treatment. But again in the year 2019 we approached her and this time with blessings of god and expertise of Dr. Bhavna Banga we became proud parents of beautiful little princess on 4th march 2020. Dr. Bhavna you are truly amazing person..so positive....full of energy and approachable....we really can't explain in words what bundle of joy you have given to US. Ma'am you are the best Doctor and we wish you lots of success in your professional and in personal life too. I would definitely recommend all childless couple’s to consult Dr. Bhavna Banga for the treatment. Thank you so much....we will personally come and meet, once the lockdown is over and situation becomes under control
I love to share my experience with you… I was married in 2012.. and after one year i was expecting for child but when we didn't got anything positive.. i started to visited doctors..i changed many doctors but none of the doctors even recognise the actual problem..my wife had several problems and many of them told that she couldn't be able to got motherhood. In 2018 my friend suggested me to visit to Dr. Bhavna banga. When i meet to Dr. Bhavna, i was surprised that her diagnosis was very much precise and she suggested me which kind of treatment we must follow..… From that point our disappointed convert into new hope and in 2022 we got a beautiful baby girl in my home.. I sincerely convey my thanks to Dr. Bhavna mam for her valuable suggestions and her diagnosis.. Once again thanks for your support
We got married in 2015 and decided not to have kids for at least four years, time passed and we started planning to have kids. We started worrying as after trying for more than one year, we were unable to conceive. We went to several doctors but got no fruitful outcome or clear path. One of our friend told us about Dr Bhavna as they got the IVF done from Dr. Bhavna, and in first attempt they got success. We approached Dr. Bhavna Banga. She clearly understood our problem and guided us through the path that should be taken. We got our tests done, everything seemed fine, so she recommended us IUI, but it failed. After that we tried our first IVF cycle, we got 5 good embryos. Dr. Bhavna Banga transferred 3 embryos, but it failed. We were so hopeless & heartbroken even Dr. Bhavna Banga was surprised. We changed the doctor and wasted next 2 years taking other useless treatments & medicines. In mean time the AMH sank and other doctors recommended to get donor. But all thanks to Dr. Bhavna Banga she never left us, she used to message us regularly and ask about any good news, throughout these two years, and she always motivated us that it will happen. It might take time but she ensured that we will become parents. Finally one day we called Dr. Bhavna Banga again, and asked her about our frozen embryos, she asked us to come and meet. Then we planned the transfer of frozen embryos, and by god’s grace and Dr. Bhavna Banga & her team’s efforts, we got pregnant. And now we are proud parents of two super cute baby girls. Dr Bhavna is a gem of a person, caring, and great personality. She is very compassionate about what she does. Infertility is very hard time for the family and it’s so great if you find amazing support and help. She really is god mother of our children. We are grateful that we came across her. Thank you so much Dr. Bhavna Banga
Dr. Bhavna Banga practices at New Industrial Township - Faridabad, Sector 51 - Noida & Kailash Colony - Delhi.
You can book a consultation with Dr. Bhavna Banga via 'Cloudnine' app, through the Cloudnine website, a phone call on the customer care no, or directly from the hospital.
Patients frequently visit Dr. Bhavna Banga for IVF & Fertility issues related consultations and treatments.
Anytime via 'Cloudnine' app or Cloudnine's website.
Dr. Bhavna Banga has the following qualifications: MBBS, MS, Fellow in Reproductive Medicine & IVF. Adv. Fertility & IVF training - USA, UK, AUS, Canada, Brazil & Spain.
Dr. Bhavna Banga is a IVF & Fertility specialist.
Dr. Bhavna Banga is the Best Fertility consultant in New Industrial Township, Faridabad, Sector 51, Noida & Kailash Colony, Delhi. Book Appointment Online, View doctor fees, read user reviews and real patient feedbacks, Contact Number - 099728 99728. Dr. Bhavna Banga is a full time Consultant at Cloudnine Hospitals - Consult the Best & Experienced IVF & Fertility Consultant near you.