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With our dedicated in-house facilities including a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit with advanced technology as well as a comprehensive range of pregnancy support classes and complementary therapies, our range of maternity services are unrivalled.

Once your baby is born, we offer evidence based advice on feeding and caring for the baby, postnatal exercises and paediatric services such as newborn screening tests and hearing tests, in addition to daily visits from a paediatrician.

Cloudnine’s Maternity Unit includes spacious and comfortable LDRs – Labour, Delivery and Recovery rooms and state-of-the-art Operation Theatres.

Labor Delivery Recovery (LDR) Rooms
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Cloudnine’s LDR’s – Labour, Delivery and Recovery rooms – provide mothers-to-be a homelike atmosphere. Thanks to our LDR, expectant mothers are no longer required to be moved from one place to another and can experience an uninterrupted birthing process for the duration of the labour, delivery, and recovery period. Designed to provide the feel of home, each LDR is furnished with an advanced multipurpose bed and all the equipment necessary for safe and comfortable delivery.
Mothers-to-be can even bring along their favourite music and we will play it for them during labour to help them relax!

Operation Theatres
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Our state-of-the-art OTs have the latest technology to perform requisite procedures. They are equipped to handle any complications, ensuring the wellbeing of both mother and child. The high level of infection control maintained in the OT ensures faster recovery for patients.

At Cloudnine, our standard practice is to have a Paediatrician present with the Obstetrician during a C section, to ensure the best outcome for the newborn. Our unmatched early neonatal survival rates of 99.72% is a testament to our high standards of care.

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Our Neonatal Intensive Care Unit is certified by the National Neonatology Forum as Level III – the highest level of intensive care. It has the most advanced equipment in the world like GE Giraffe incubators and all required infrastructure to care for sick babies including ventilation, HFOV and Nitric Oxide, amongst other facilities.

We provide specialized nursery care for babies from 24 weeks gestation onwards. Premature babies (born before 37 weeks & after 24 weeks gestation) and sick babies are clinically assessed and cared for in the NICU until they can be transferred to the ward.

Reasons for admission include

  • Prematurity (24 weeks gestation or more)
  • Intrauterine growth retardation/small for gestational age
  • Low blood sugar
  • Respiratory (breathing) problems
  • Infections
  • Seizures
  • Temperature instability
  • Assistance with feeding
  • Phototherapy

The care-giving team
There are many people involved in the care of babies admitted to the NICU. The specially-trained nursing team is headed by a nurse manager. Each baby will be under the care of a consultant Neonatologist. A member of the neonatology team will visit the baby every day and will be available 24 hours a day.

Your Neonatologist will visit you in your room to discuss the care of your baby and you are also welcome to visit the NICU during rounds. Pediatric specialists from many fields including surgery, cardiology, nephrology, gastroenterology, genetics, pathology, radiology and ultrasound are also available, if the need arises.

The birth of a premature or sick baby can be stressful for the whole family. However, the time a baby spends in the NICU will be brief, and our staff is well-trained in this field to provide the required care and help prepare the baby for discharge.

Involvement of Parents
The presence of parents is very important in a newborn’s life. Your voice and gentle touch are valuable forms of comforting communication for your baby. We encourage you to involve yourselves in the care of the baby, while he or she is in the NICU. As soon as your baby’s condition allows, we will support you in providing care such as feeding, nappy changing, bathing and other routines.

Your baby’s care methodology may change frequently, depending on progress, and information updates will be shared with you. Please do not hesitate to ask questions as we value and encourage your visits and participation. Relatives other than the parents will not be allowed in the NICU. The reason is to avoid the little babies from being exposed to possible infections.

Mother Crafting
Once your baby is ready to be discharged from NICU, we ensure that you are ready and confident about handling your new born. We provide a home-like environment in our Luxury room and guide and support you in this transition phase.

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Cloudnine launched Bengaluru’s only private children’s hospital in March 2013 – Cloudnine Kids. The new hospital, with a total built-up area of 18,000 square feet spread across 3 floors, has 42 beds, including Emergency Services. In addition, Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU), suite rooms, OT, pharmacy, Labor Delivery & Recovery (LDR) rooms and a fully-equipped Paediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) have been set up in the hospital. An emergency response team is available 24×7, in the process making Cloudnine Children’s Hospital the first of its kind.


Cloudnine, India’s leading maternity hospitals are equipped with a Surgical ICU. This Surgical Intensive Care Unit (SICU) provides immediate and efficient execution of medical therapy to meet the high-risk care required for mothers. We offer the best possible care to patient through constant monitoring and implementation of quality improvement programs. It is a technologically advanced emergency care for all the mothers!

4D Foetal Medicine service

With foetal medicine emerging as an independent specialty, we have created a specialized foetal medicine unit to monitor high risk pregnancies by focusing on the special needs of the baby and performing interventions, if needed, whilst in the womb.

This unit also boasts of a state-of-the-art 4D real-time ultrasound imaging system, which is used in analyzing fetal development. You and your partner can share the experience of seeing your baby grow and mark the milestones in development as your pregnancy progresses. This technologically advanced, high resolution system produces 4D images of your baby, updates it in real time and helps you see the baby moving on screen.

Now you can bond better with your baby and experience the exhilaration of watching your baby blink, wink, smile and yawn!
Scans recommended during pregnancy are:

Scan Type Right time for Scan
Early pregnancy and dating scan 7 – 8 Weeks
NT & NB scan screening for chromosomal abnormalities 12 – 13 Weeks
Anomaly scan (targeted detail scan) 18 – 22 Weeks
Internal growth scan 30 – 32 Weeks
Biophysical profile (BPP) scan After 36 Weeks

To help you preserve and cherish these fond memories, we also provide a DVD or CD with the images at the end of the scan. All scans are done as per standard protocols of FMF (UK), by an experienced sonologist who will provide all important information pertaining to your baby.

For more information on our maternity services, please feel free to contact us.

In case of Emergencies related to Pregnancy, Gynecology and Pediatrics, Please call us @ 99724 99724


Best Hospital Facilities for Maternity/Pregnancy Care | Best Labour, Delivery and Recovery Rooms, Operation Theatres | Video Consultation with Online Doctor 24/7 | Cloudnine Hospitals