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What are Dichorionic Diamniotic twins?

A 2004 study showed that there is a chance of 1 multiple births in every 67 pregnancies. When it comes to multiple births, twin seems to be the easiest, but is it?

Well, the world of twins is undoubtedly fascinating, and it is understandable if you feel desperate to have twins. But do you know the complications related to twin pregnancies or even the type of twin pregnancies? Let us explain it to you!

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What are the main types of twins?

There are three main different types of twins:

  •        Dizygotic Twins
  •        Polar Body Twins
  •        Monozygotic Twins (dichorionic or monochorionic)

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What are Dichorionic Diamniotic Twins?

Diamniotic dichorionic pregnancy means that both the babies are growing in separate sacs.

Some twins develop when two different sperms fertilize the two different eggs. This results in the formation of two separate zygotes in the womb where each of the zygotes only shares about 50% of the genes. This makes them genetically like a sibling.


Now, each of the foetus lies within its membranes called the chorion and amnion (they have their own chorionic and amniotic sacs).  They are termed as dichorionic diamniotic twins.

Must Read: Twin Pregnancy Symptoms and Early Signs

What is Chorion?

It is the outermost layer of the fluid-filled amniotic sac which surrounds the growing fetus inside the womb. When two foet uses are growing separately in separate sacs, it is surrounded by two separate chorions, and they are termed as dichorionic. The prefix "di" is used to indicate two.

All dizygotic or fraternal twins are dichorionic in nature whereas some monozygotic (identical) twins can be dichorionic at times.

When it comes to the placenta, the dichorionic twins have two individual placentas, but sometimes the placentas are seen to fuse. The placenta is an organ through which the blood from the mother passes to the baby for supplying nutrients.

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Dichorionic twins are also defined as diamniotic twins since each of them have amniotic sac as its outer membrane. That is why dichorionic twins are described as dichorionic-diamniotic twins.

Are there any risks involved in multiple births?

When it comes to twins and triplets the health risks for twins and triplets are greatly more when compared to singletons. This is because multiples have a greater chance of malformations and malnutrition which results in premature birth, underweight child, and early and late miscarriage risks. That is why you should have an excellent medical team around you to guide and support you during your incredible journey.

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