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Understanding Male Fertility–How Men Can Support the Journey

December 9, 2024

Understanding Male Fertility – How Men Can Support the Journey

A couple’s fertility struggle is not restricted just to the female partner. The male partner could be facing issues, too. He can also make some lifestyle changes that will not only improve his fertility but will also support their joint fertility journey. If the doctor is unable to diagnose where exactly the problem is, he can still contribute to the journey. It is after all a team effort!

Male Fertility

Male Fertility

Male fertility refers to sperm health, which comprises sperm count, motility, and structure. If the sperm count is low, the sperm structure is not right enough to penetrate the egg, or if they can’t move well enough to meet the egg, it can make natural conception difficult.

To successfully impregnate his partner, a male must first have an erection and ejaculate semen that contains enough sperm, which can then enter the vagina, travel up the fallopian tube, and meet the egg and just one of them needs to penetrate the egg for successful fertilisation. Overall, it is as complex a process as female fertility.

Male fertility also includes the successful formation and development of the male reproductive organs during puberty. If the organs do not develop well, it can lead to fertility issues later. One may not know about these issues until he and his partner try to start a family.

Checking Male Fertility

If a couple is unable to conceive after trying for a whole year, they should consult a fertility specialist. The doctor will take the necessary tests to rule out fertility issues in both partners.

To check male fertility, the doctor will collect a sample of his semen and analyse it under a microscope. The test results can help understand if the problem is with the sperm quantity or quality.

Book an online appointment with Dr. Karishma V Dafle for Fertility related issues.

How to Protect Male Fertility?

No one anticipates fertility issues. However, it is better to follow some precautions right from the start or when trying to conceive. These steps can help protect male fertility to a great extent. Remember, these tips cannot help restore a male’s fertility or rectify physiological issues that may be responsible for infertility.

● Quit smoking and drugs. Continuous nicotine exposure can not only reduce the sperm count but can affect sperm morphology and motility.

● Reduce alcohol consumption.

● If you like cycling, wear shorts or pants designed for cycling. These apparel are designed to protect the testicles and reduce friction while cycling.

● Keep track of prescription medications that can affect fertility. Check with your doctor, and do not take more than what is prescribed.

● Reduce the frequency of hot baths, saunas, jacuzzis, etc. These can increase the temperature of the testicles and damage the sperm.

● Follow a healthy, well-balanced diet that includes sufficient fruits and vegetables.

How Can a Male support the fertility Journey?

If you and your partner are trying to get pregnant while she is changing her lifestyle and undergoing regular tests and checks, do your part to support her as a team player. Wondering how to improve male fertility? Here are some tips:

1. Eat Right – A male’s diet also matters when it comes to his fertility. You can cut back on foods that can hurt your sperm production and increase your intake of some of the best foods for male fertility, like eggs, spinach, bananas, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, dark chocolate, and fenugreek.

2. Weight Management – Being overweight is not only a woman’s problem when it comes to fertility and pregnancy. Being obese or overweight can affect a man’s sperm count and health, too. So, exercise regularly and eat healthy to keep your weight within healthy limits.

3. Stress Management – Stress can affect both sperm health as well as sex drive. If you are in a stressful job or the entire fertility issue is stressing you out, take measures to de-stress. Involve in activities like medication, playing games, or some fun hobby that can help you reduce your stress.

4. Avoid Tight Clothing – Wearing tight underwear or jeans that hug the testicles tight can interfere with sperm production. It may not affect all males, but if you are trying to conceive, you can try avoiding tight underwear and even go to bed without underwear.

5. Prevent Chemical Exposure – If your work or environment exposes you to chemicals like pesticides, heavy metals, or solvents, they can affect sperm quality. Poor sperm quality or sperm count can interfere with pregnancy attempts.

6. Stay Away From Heat – Avoid exposing your testicles to heat for a prolonged time. Constant exposure to heat or an increase in the temperature of the testes can reduce sperm production and health.

7. Keep STIs at Bay – Sexually transmitted infections can affect sperm production and quality, thus interfering with your ability to impregnate your partner. Following safe sex practices can prevent such infections and also keep your female partner safe.

8. Take Tests—If your partner is undergoing tests to rule out any fertility issues, you should take the required tests, too. Fertility issues can affect either or both partners, so identifying a possible fertility issue is important for both partners.

9. Morale Support – Be supportive of your partner when undergoing various tests or check-ups. Accompany them and be with them when consulting the doctor.

10. Get Sleep – Sleep is important for both men and women when it comes to fertility. Insufficient sleep can reduce sperm count and impact sperm health.


Male fertility is as important as female fertility when it comes to a successful pregnancy. Contrary to popular belief, age, weight, and many other factors affect a male’s fertility just like it affects a female’s fertility. Studies show that lifestyle changes and dietary adjustments can help improve male fertility. Consult your doctor, make the necessary changes, and support the fertility journey that you and your partner are on.


1. What role do supplements play in male fertility?

● Supplements like folate, zinc, vitamin E, C, selenium, lycopene, and a few others can help improve sperm health and support overall male fertility. However, one should not consume these over-the-counter supplements without consulting a fertility specialist. Only they can take the necessary tests and prescribe the required supplements. Though they are supplements, they are unsafe when consumed excessively or unnecessarily.

2. Can exercise improve male fertility?

● Yes, exercise can help reduce weight and stress. It promotes hormone balance and libido. Studies show that men who exercise regularly have better sperm quality than men who don’t.

3. How can stress impact male fertility?

● Stress can decrease the sex drive and reduce erection duration as well as sperm ejaculation. Stress can reduce the sperm concentration in the semen and also affect the sperm shape or motility.

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