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Treatments for Common Gynaecological Problems

December 3, 2020

Although heavy bleeding, painful cramps, crazy mood swings, bloating, etc. can be a common issue during your “red flag days,” it doesn’t mean that this is always normal. Your body tells you that there is something very wrong when these symptoms persist for a long time. It can be rightly said that almost every woman around the globe suffers from a gynaecological problem at a certain point in her life. In most cases, these problems are mild and easily treatable, while some of them are serious and can affect their fertility and quality of life.

To Consult: The Best Gynecologist in Chandigarh

There are technology and inventions (both surgical and medical) that exists to relieve and cure gynaecological problems and its symptoms ranging from menstrual disorders to urinary incontinence. We have listed down for you a few of the most common gynaecological problems and its treatment options.

Menstrual Disorders

Heavy bleeding, prolonged bleeding, bleeding while having sex, bleeding between periods are the signs of a menstrual disorder. Depending on the severity of the condition the treatment options (medical or surgical) are adopted.

The most common menstrual disorders are:


It is a condition where a woman experiences abnormally painful cramps, pain in the lower back, inner thighs and hips, nausea and loose stools during her menstruation days. The pain is caused due to the insufficient supply of oxygen to the uterine muscles while contracting. The severity of the pain is said to decrease as a woman ages and is mostly resolved by childbirth.

What causes dysmenorrhea?

The underlying causes of dysmenorrhea can be anyone or a combination of the following:

  • Fibroids: Benign tumour in the uterus
  • Endometritis: Uterine infection
  • Adenomyosis: A glandular growth into the myometrium
  • Endometriosis: A condition where the uterine tissue grows outside the walls of the uterus
  • Intrauterine devices (IUD)
  • Ovarian cysts

How is it treated?

Mild dysmenorrhea is treated with measures such as heat, mild analgesics (painkiller), and exercises while severe cases of dysmenorrhea are treated with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents.

Abnormal Uterine Bleeding

A normal menstruation cycle runs for an average of 28 days where the bleeding “period” is between 3 and 5 days. Any changes in this cycle is said to be abnormal. Abnormal uterine bleeding is defined as excessive, infrequency in duration and amount of bleeding in a woman and it should be evaluated. It is caused due to hormonal imbalance, pregnancy, physical abnormalities, and cancer.  Causes and treatment of abnormal uterine bleeding.

The causes of abnormal uterine bleeding are divided into two:

  1. If the patient is ovulatory, it is caused due to:
  • PCOD: Poly Cyst Ovarian Disease (PCOD) is a condition where the ovaries produce follicles that develop into cysts.
  • Fibroids: Benign tumour in the uterus
  • Endometritis: Uterine infection
  • UTI: Urinary tract infection

How is it treated?

In the case of anatomic abnormality, it is surgically removed, e.g. polyps or fibroids are surgically removed. For chronic endometritis, antibiotics are prescribed and the IUD is removed. Antibiotics are also a very effective urinary tract infection treatment option. If the condition is severe, then endometrial ablation or hysterectomy is suggested.

Must Read: Gynecological problems in Adolescence

  1. If the patient is anovulatory, it is caused due to:
  • Perimenopausal bleeding
  • Dysfunctional uterine bleeding (DUB)
  • Extrinsic hormone effects
  • Menarche: First period

How is it treated?

In case of severe bleeding which is normally seen in menarcheal girls and perimenopausal women, patients are treated with fluids and pregnancy and bleeding dyscrasias is recommended. In less severe condition a progesterone shot and oral contraceptives are enough to control the situation.

PMS or Premenstrual syndrome

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is a condition that affects a woman’s emotions, physical well-being, and behaviour at certain days before her menstrual cycle. The changing levels of estrogen and progesterone are said to be responsible for it.

How is it treated?

Your doctor will recommend you:

  • Exercise regularly
  • Vitamin supplements (calcium, magnesium, and vitamin B-6)
  • Cut off caffeine
  • Counselling sessions
  • Stress management

Urinary Incontinence in Women

Urinary incontinence in women is divided into two categories:

Stress urinary incontinence

Stress urinary incontinence is the loss of urine control due to sudden intra-abdominal pressure example while coughing, sneezing, and laughing.

How is it treated?

  • Kegel exercises
  • Devices or surgery to stabilize the bladder neck and to optimize the intraurethral resting pressure

To Know More: About Most common symptoms of gynaecological cancers

Urge incontinence

Urge incontinence (unstable bladder) is the loss of urine control due to uninhabitable detrusor contraction.

How is it treated?

Surgery cannot help treat this condition. Usually, the patients are provided with bladder retainer.


Uterine fibroids are the noncancerous growths found in the uterus. It ranges in size from seedlings (unnoticeable) to large masses (can disfigure or enlarge the uterus).

Generally, fibroids are classified by their location, they are:

  • Intramural fibroids: Found within the muscular uterine wall
  • Subserosal fibroids: Growths that project towards the outside of the uterus
  • Submucosal fibroids:  Growths that bulge into the uterine cavity

How is it treated?

The treatment options are:

  • Hysterectomy:

Hysterectomy is a medical procedure which involves surgically removing the entire uterus and fibroids are the number one reason for opting Hysterectomy.

  • Myomectomy:

It is conservative surgical therapy. Here, the healthcare specialist removes the strips of fibroid (or any non-cancerous growth) in the uterus (leaving it intact) under direct vision.

Must Read: Back pain? You might need to visit your gynaecologist

If you are experiencing painful cramps, severe abdominal pain, or heavy and/or prolonged bleeding, it's never too late to speak to your doctor.

Book an appointment now!

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