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The Joyous Moments of Fatherhood

December 3, 2020

- Fazil Badrudeen from Cloudnine (Fazil lives in Chennai. He is an avid blogger and a foodie at heart.)

For every individual, life offers varying moments of joy. Some expected while others could be surprises tossed their way. But there is always one moment in life where every man is joyous beyond words. This is the day he hears the golden words “Congratulations! It’s a Boy/Girl!” from his better half’s doctor.

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That day does not come easy. Becoming a parent in today’s world is a challenging task. It is a balance that needs to be perfectly choreographed. The journey of 10 months comes with a lot of planning and important decisions.

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But the most important of them all is the medical consultant, who like a co-passenger helps you reach the intended destination with much ease. For most of us, we entrust them with the responsibility for the well-being of our better half and that of the to-be born child. The doctor helps a great deal in relieving the husband of some of the major stresses during their wife’s pregnancy.

The faith in the doctor and the cooperation extended to him/her can make the difference between a worrying pregnancy and a joyful pregnancy. With the selection of the doctor also comes the question of the place, the place where you will relish this moment for life. Yes, the hospital that will crown you with the most prestigious honour that life can grant you, Fatherhood.

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The hospital also plays a key role as I’m sure most of us would like a place that is cohesive with the milestone you are celebrating. For a moment to be truly joyous, everything around us needs to be joyous too. The perfect ambience can help soothe out your stress and elevate your joy. The caring nurses can take care of all the other things that you may be otherwise worried of. This is also crucial for the mother so that she can quickly recuperate and share the moments with the new-born and yourself. An atmosphere that caters exclusively to mother & child would be the best of the best option when selecting a hospital.

With some of the most important aspects taken care of, there are several other small instances that make the journey even more memorable. It is vital that we as fathers also play an integral role throughout the journey. One way to best experience what it is to be a father is to participate in an ante-natal workshop. This provides us with deep insights into the entire process while at the same time counselling us to be better fathers. It was truly momentous for me to experience first-hand on how to change diapers, give the baby a bath and so on.

These initial learnings still bring about joy when I go around doing these chores even today. Another important moment is the joy of selecting the perfect name for your baby. In my personal experience, this was quite a tough one. Arriving at a single name is a task akin to selecting your life partner. Getting two families to arrive at a consensus can prove demanding but the satisfaction you get at the end can never be replaced.

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The journey has many more joyous occasions such as visits to the sonologist, awaiting the due date, packing for the delivery amidst many more. But of all the joyous moments that one has cherished in the journey the best is yet to come. The stomach-churning wait in the labor room to hear that first cry is akin to none. You just seem to melt away in the moments with the world standing still for a few minutes.

In spite of all the preparation for this precise moment, each and every one of us will react in a way best known only to us when the moment hits. Personally, for me, I was awe-struck that now there is suddenly a new bond that means the world more than anything for me. While the entire family around me was celebrating with exhilaration, I was celebrating with a sense of pride and thankfulness to the Almighty for giving me this opportunity of becoming a father. The way a newborn makes their parent proud, this pride can never be equalled by any other achievement during our lifetime. This probably will be the most joyous moment in life.

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