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Test For Pregnancy – Accuracy And Results

November 22, 2022

Are you trying to get pregnant? If yes, you would definitely want to know the results at the earliest.

If you suspect pregnancy, the best way to confirm is by taking a test. Now, when can you take a pregnancy test, and most importantly, what type of test is reliable? Read onto know how to confirm pregnancy for sure.

When Can I Take A Pregnancy Test?

The very first doubt when you are eagerly awaiting a positive pregnancy test, is – “when to do pregnancy test?. If you take an early pregnancy test, you may get a false negative as your HCG levels may not be high enough for the test kit to detect.

If you miss your menstrual cycle, when you are trying to conceive, it can be a strong indication of pregnancy. The ideal time to take a home pregnancy test is a week after missing your period. Though a pregnancy test can show a positive result as early as 10 days after conception, there is no way to be sure of this timeline.

You can take the test any day after you miss your period. If it shows a negative despite a delay in your menstrual cycle, you can retake the test after two or three days. You need to use a fresh test kit every time you take a test.

How To Test For Pregnancy

Today, with innovation and medical advancements, one can take a pregnancy test at home itself. However, your gynecologists' might not accept this urine pregnancy test result and will ask for a blood test for pregnancy confirmation. A blood test is more reliable as it will help calculate the hCG levels accurately.

You can test for pregnancy in the following ways:

1.    Home Pregnancy Test

If you are wondering how to do pregnancy test or how to check pregnancy at home, here are the steps to follow:

1.    Buy a reliable home pregnancy test kit from your nearest pharmacy. It is advisable to buy two test kits from two different brands if you want to be very sure about the results.

2.    Read the instructions carefully. Though most test kits carry similar instructions, it is always better to follow what is given on the pack.

3.    So, when to check pregnancy? The first urine in the morning would be the most optimal as it can contain enough hCG for the test kit to pick up. However, today with advanced test kits, this may not be required. If you are not taking the test with your first urine, try taking it when you have a full bladder.

4.    Do not overload on water or fluids to fill your bladder for the test. While it may fill your bladder, it might also dilute your urine, thus reducing the hCG levels.

5.    Follow the instructions carefully and wait till the readings show up. Check the package to know how to check the pregnancy test kit results. While some brands might show a double pink line, some might show a “+”.

6.    Ensure you check the pregnancy test results immediately. The lines might evaporate if you leave if out in the open for a while.

7.    You can repeat the test with another test kit if you want to be sure of the results.


2.    Laboratory Blood Test

A blood test is generally not done by individuals unless the doctor asks for one. The reason is simple – it is not as convenient or inexpensive as the home pregnancy test. However, a blood test can give accurate readings of your hCG levels. Your doctor will ask you to take a blood test for accurate readings of the hCG levels.

Your doctor will tell you when to test pregnancy if you are taking a blood test. The lab can take anywhere between a few hours to a day, to process your blood work and give you the results.

What More Can You Expect

Some doctors or fertility specialists might ask you to take a follow-up blood test in a day or two. If you are pregnant, your hCG levels will keep doubling up every two days, in the initial few weeks of pregnancy. If the hCG levels do not increase or if there is a dip, it can indicate an unsuccessful pregnancy.

Similarly, if the hCG levels increase rapidly, it could indicate you are pregnant with more than one baby. Sometimes an unexplained increase or decrease in the hCG levels can indicate an issue with the pregnancy, which only a doctor can confirm.

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How Soon Will A Pregnancy Teat Read Positive

Almost all brands of home pregnancy test kits will take a few seconds to a minute to show the results. If the kit takes more time or if there is no movement or lines on the test stick, it could mean there is some defect with the kit.

If the test kit shows no lines or an error, you may want to take another test with a fresh kit. If you are not too sure about the home pregnancy test kit, you can always go to a lab and take a blood test. You won’t need a doctor’s prescription for taking the test.

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Accuracy Of The Test

Home pregnancy tests are quite accurate these days. Some doctors may even accept this to confirm pregnancy and will take a blood test to measure the hCG increase. A blood test is always more accurate. Since a well-qualified professional performs the test, the chances of an error are close to nil.

Which Test To Take?

So, which pregnancy test should you take?

·      You can take a home pregnancy test. If it shows a positive, you can check with a doctor, who may or may not ask for a blood test.

·      If your test shows a negative but your menstruation does not start as expected, you can wait for a week and take a blood test.


With the advancement of technology, today’s women can confirm pregnancy without wasting much time or money. Such tests can be a real boon for couples who are trying to conceive and cannot take a blood test every month.

Want to consult the best gynecologists in India? Please find the links below.

  1. Best Gynecologists in Bangalore
  2. Top Gynecologists in Chennai
  3. Top Obstetricians & Gynecologists in Mumbai
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  5. Best Obstetricians & Gynecologists in Chandigarh
  6. Top Obstetricians & Gynecologists near me in Gurgaon
  7. Best Gynecologists near me in Noida
  8. Top Gynecologist near me in Panchkula
  9. Top Gynecologist In Delhi
  10. Top Gynecologists in Faridabad

Want to book the best Maternity Packages in India? Please find the links below.

  1. Best Maternity Packages in Bangalore
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  5. Top Maternity Packages with Cost in Chandigarh
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