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Postpartum Care for the New Mother

August 1, 2024

When a woman is pregnant, everyone around her dotes on her and pays close attention to all her needs and wants. What happens after childbirth? The focus shifts to the new baby. What about the mother? Doesn't she need care anymore? Postpartum care for a new mother is extremely important.

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What is Postpartum Care for Mothers?

Postpartum is the period after the baby's delivery (the delivery method does not matter). The care offered to the new mother is known as postpartum care. The initial few weeks or months following childbirth are critical not just for the newborn but also for the mother.

Postnatal care was not always available for the new mothers. Most maternal complications happen in the initial few hours or days following the delivery due to the lack of skilled postpartum care.

Over the years, postpartum care has gained importance, and WHO has also updated its global guidelines on postnatal care.

Areas to Focus on for Postnatal Care

A full clinical examination of the mother and the baby soon after the delivery is necessary, irrespective of where or how the delivery occurred. Postnatal care does not stop here. The new mother needs care and help in the following areas even days after the delivery:

1. Wound Healing

Vaginal tears, episiotomy, cesarean scar, etc., are all a part of childbirth. Different women are wounded in different ways for different methods of delivery. No matter how light or severe the wound is, it needs proper healing. If not cared for properly, it can lead to infections, affecting the mother's and the newborn's health.

A new mother's delivery wounds have to be checked regularly, the dressing has to be changed periodically, and she should take her medications without fail.

2. Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding can be very challenging for some women. A good lactation consultant can help them identify ways to feed their baby, overcome challenges, and find alternative ways to work for both mother and baby. They also need help with nipple care, breastfeeding positions, nutrition, and breastfeeding support.

3. Physical Recovery

A woman's body changes in many ways during pregnancy and delivery. Her body needs care and time to recover from everything it has been through to bring a little human to life. Good rest, small walks out in the fresh air, and sufficient sleep can help her recover physically. Once the doctor approves, a new mother can start exercising to get her body back in form. She may need the support of a physiotherapist or attend classes to learn the right techniques for exercising after childbirth.

4. Mental Health

While the physical changes and challenges are visible to everyone, the mental changes are not. A new mother needs to be constantly assessed for mental stability, postpartum depression, emotional well-being and the support she receives at home.

When her mental health is not taken care of, it can lead to many complications or issues. Postpartum depression will not only affect the mother but can affect her relationship with the baby and the rest of the world.

5. Hygiene

A new mother's hygiene and the hygiene of her surroundings are very important. Low immunity paves the way for many infections, which can eventually affect the baby. A new mother needs clean, dry clothes, bedding, and a clean environment for her and the baby.

Also Read: Postpartum Care of Mother & Newborn

Importance of Postnatal Care

Let's look at the top 5 importance of postnatal care:

1. Facilitates better and quicker recovery for the mother.

2. It helps to forge a good bond with the new baby. A new mother who is always busy and exhausted may be unable to bond well with the baby, which may cause all the chaos.

3. It can help the mother understand and tackle the various issues and complications she is facing.

4. Better maternal health means better breast milk, better care for the baby, and better health.

5. Can effectively prevent, control, or identify postpartum depression, baby blues, disassociation and other mental issues that can quickly become serious if ignored.

Postpartum Tips for New Moms

If you are a new mom learning to navigate through the whole situation, here are some quick postpartum tips to help you through:

1. Ask for Help – It is okay to ask for help. You don't have to be the “super mom” and do it yourself. The initial few months can be very tough with the baby not sleeping through the night, breastfeeding challenges, adjusting to the new dynamics of family life, etc. It is a new phase for you, and you also need some help and guidance before you can start doing it independently. Ask your partner, friends, or family, or hire some help.

2. Be Gentle on Yourself – No one has done everything perfectly right from day 1 of motherhood. All mothers navigate through this new chapter in their own ways. It is okay to make mistakes. It is okay if the house is messy or you are not cooking gourmet meals from scratch. Be gentle with yourself like you would be with someone else in this situation.

3. Plan Ahead – Planning meals, doctor's appointments, shopping errands, and the grocery list can help reduce the chaos. When you know what is on your to-do list, you can tackle it one by one and not keep forgetting.

4. Meal Prep – If you need help with the cooking, plan ahead and prepare your meals whenever you can. You can pack meals in boxes or just do the prep work. Do whatever you can, whenever you can, to make it easier to put a meal together. You can ask someone to watch the baby for a while when you do all this prep work.

5. Take a Break – Take a break from answering all those calls or congratulatory messages, take a break from cleaning the house, etc. Remember, you need time to recover, and exhausting yourself will not give your body the energy it requires to recover.


Postpartum is a delicate phase, and a new mother deserves care just like the new baby. If you are a new mom, ask for the postpartum care you deserve. If you know a new mom, ensure she gets the postpartum care she deserves!

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