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Paperback Friends during Pregnancy

April 7, 2021
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“Books are always good company”

Whether it be a normal day at home or you are travelling, a sad time or a happy one, while you are preparing for pregnancy, in your trimesters or a new mom, books are always good company. We read books not only because they entertain, take us to another world but also teach us. You can learn anything and everything from books. They even help you with your pregnancy. 

Pregnancy? There are already so many websites and apps dedicated to pregnancy. Why do we need books? Well, because there’s something comforting about having an honest-to-goodness stack of physical pregnancy books to dog-ear, flip through and reread during your nine-month adventure.

Okay! But then, there are so many of them. Which one’s for you? Worry not! we‘ve hunted down a list of the very best pregnancy books out there for all types of parents-to-be. Find one that speaks to you from the list. They are all full of nuggets of wisdom that will guide you through the next three trimesters.

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  1. Ina May’s Guide to Childbirth by Ina Gaskin

Nervous about giving birth? Here’s the best guide for you. 

This awesome book has a plethora of birth stories that make up the first half of the book, while the latter half is all about empowering women with information on the birth process, the mind-body connection and real talk about what birth feels like. In the end, the rah-rah, you-can-do-it tone leaves you feeling far less scared and way more capable. 

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  1. Mayo Clinic Guide to a Healthy Pregnancy

If you’re looking for a cut-to-the-chase rundown of pregnancy symptoms, your changing body and your baby’s development, look no further. 

The Mayo Clinic Guide to a Healthy Pregnancy is a matter-of-fact, easy-to-flip-through-and-refer-back-to resource that isn’t bogged down with extraneous details or unnecessary what-if worries. And, because the doctors behind the book are also parents, you know you’re getting an authoritative, accurate and realistic take on pregnancy, birth and newborns. 

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  1. The New Rules of Pregnancy by Adrienne L. Simone, Jacqueline Worth and Danielle Claro

When you find out you're pregnant, it can feel like you're suddenly bombarded with advice and warnings from your doctor, family members, and friends ( not to include the online gyaan you stumble upon). Not only can it feel like a lot of noise, but a little terrifying, too. 

If you're looking for a reassuring yet still medically accurate and up-to-date pregnancy book, The New Rules of Pregnancy is like the modern woman's What to Expect.

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  1. Strong as a Mother: How to Stay Healthy, Happy and (Most Importantly) Sane from Pregnancy to Parenthood by Kate Rope

One of the best guides about the emotional side of pregnancy. 

In this book, you’ll get a healthy and friendly dose of non-judgemental advice from medical and psychological experts and moms on subjects like early pregnancy anxiety, feelings of guilt and body-change struggles. The book carries the reader into birth and new parenthood as well. Whether you’re predisposed to postpartum depression or anxiety or simply a mom-to-be who recognizes the importance of your emotional health, this book is a must-read.

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  1. Pregnancy, O.M.G.! The First-Ever Photographic Guide for Modern Mamas-to-Be by Nancy Redd 

Best pregnancy book for all the details.

This is not a rose-coloured, sunshiny and idealized look at your nine-month journey. Instead, it’s a realistic view of the numerous changes that many women’s bodies and minds go through during pregnancy. It’s a visual reference guide to skin, hair and breast changes during this time. It’s also a guide to changes you can’t see.


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  1. The Girlfriends’ Guide to Pregnancy or Everything Your Doctor Won’t Tell You by Vicki Iovine

A great supplement to the boring pregnancy books that are likely already stacked high on your nightstand. It’s fun, lighthearted and direct, and it still has a good amount of must-know information. Best funny but informative pregnancy book!

Books can help you all they can but for complete pregnancy care, Cloudnine is by your side assisting and guiding you through your journey towards parenthood. For any pregnancy-related queries you have, connect with our clinical specialists on Cloudnine’s 24/7 emergency helpline.

Want to consult the best gynecologists in India? Please find the links below.

  1. Best Gynecologists in Bangalore
  2. Top Gynecologists in Chennai
  3. Top Obstetricians & Gynecologists in Mumbai
  4. Top Gynecologists near me in Pune
  5. Best Obstetricians & Gynecologists in Chandigarh
  6. Top Obstetricians & Gynecologists near me in Gurgaon
  7. Best Gynecologists near me in Noida


Want to consult the best Maternity Packages in India? Please find the links below.

  1. Best Maternity Packages in Bangalore
  2. Top Maternity Packages in Chennai
  3. Best Maternity Packages with Cost in Mumbai
  4. Best Maternity/ Delivery Packages with Charges in Pune
  5. Top Maternity Packages with Cost in Chandigarh
  6. Top Maternity/ Delivery packages with Charges in Gurgaon
  7. Best Pregnancy Packages in Noida

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