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Language Development: How to Encourage Your Toddler to Talk?

November 15, 2024

One of the cutest things that babies do is babble and make funny sounds. Babies may babble quite a lot during their first year. This is actually their earliest attempt at communicating. Their first actual words may be uttered sometime close to their first birthday. If your child hasn't spoken their first word by then, you may start to worry about their language development.

More often than not, parents end up comparing their kids with other kids. The same happens while checking the child’s overall language skills. However, not all children are the same. Each child develops at their own unique pace, and a few may take time to begin talking. Your child might simply need a little extra support to help develop their language skills.

We’ve put together some essential information that will help parents, along with a few tips on how to encourage toddler talking activities, here, in this article.

Language Development Milestones

Babies start to communicate from their birth. During the first 6 months, your baby would coo or make babble sounds. They may be aware when you talk to them and respond with different sounds. They may recognise sounds and turn their heads towards the people who talk. During 7-12 months, your baby can understand simple words like no and respond to their names. They may try to talk with single words. During 13-18 months, it is typical for babies to know more than 20 simple words. Your baby also tries to repeat the words you say. By 2 years, your toddler should be able to speak about 100 words. They may be able to name their body parts. They may also try to speak in short sentences containing two or more words. During 2-3 years, your baby can follow your directions.

Activities to Help Your Kids Talk

You must encourage your kids to talk to improve their language development. If you’re unaware of how to improve toddler language skills, here are activities that help your kids speak:

Read to Your Child: Make reading a habit, as it can help improve your toddler's language skills. Start reading to your baby as early as possible. Reading gives your kids broad exposure to vocabulary and is a great activity to encourage them to talk.

Talk with Your Child: Interact with your child as much as possible. Create opportunities for your toddler to express themselves. You must express yourselves clearly, as this will help your kids learn the language. Talk to your kids when you help them with their daily routine. Talk when you feed food, bathe, have storytime, change diapers, etc. Sing a song and read stories to your baby. Try to speak with them in small sentences containing simple words.

Use Sign Language: Your toddlers find it easy to understand sign language. Simple hand gestures help you communicate with your baby, and it is a great way to encourage your kids to communicate early. Use sign language and related words to help improve your kids' vocabulary. Repeat this whenever you communicate to make your child talk fluently.

Never Baby Talk: It is common for babies to mispronounce certain words. If your child's baby talks, just respond with the correct pronunciation of words. Your babies can baby talk and not you. Baby talking can hinder your baby from learning the words right.

Things You Can Do Based on Their Age

Here are a few toddler speech development tips to encourage your kids to talk and improve their language skills. You can try these activities with your kids, based on their age, to improve their speech and language:

0-2 years: Communicate with your child as early as possible. This can help your toddler to speak early. Make simple sounds and encourage your child to repeat them. When your baby babbles or makes sounds, interact with them. Respond when your baby makes faces. Teach them to clap their hands and play peek-a-book. You can talk to your baby as you feed, bathe or do any other work. Show them different colours and shapes. Use gestures when you speak, as this helps to divert the attention of your baby towards you. Teach them animal sounds. When your baby utters a word, add additional words to it. Start reading to your child as early as possible. Use picture books with colourful pictures. Point to the things in the book and ask your kids to name them.

2-4 years: This is the age your child would have learnt to speak in small sentences. Speak with your child in sentences. Model a complete speech. Encourage your child to ask questions. Correct your toddler when they baby talk. Sing simple nursery rhymes. Playing can help improve their language skills. Ask questions with choices. Play the Yes or No game. This gives an opportunity for your child to respond.

4-6 years: At this age, your child can speak complete sentences. Pay attention to them when they talk. Play games that encourage the child to match objects and their names. Teach opposites, directions, positions, etc. Encourage your child to be involved in pretend play. Watch movies with your child and let them talk to you about it. Give them two to three-line instructions. Improve your child’s vocabulary by introducing new words with their meaning. Go grocery shopping with your children, and teach them the names of vegetables and fruits.

Start Early: Encourage and Motivate Language Skills in Kids

Language development is important for toddlers, as it improves their communication skills. Parents play a crucial role in helping kids develop their language skills. Encourage your kids to talk by involving them in simple language development activities. Speech and language training is necessary if your child faces issues in speech. Consult a qualified speech therapist if you encounter problems while developing your child’s language skills.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How can I encourage my toddlers to express themselves?

Create opportunities for open dialogue, like asking about their day. Involve them in arts and crafts activities, as they can help them express their feelings. Play games that help them know about different emotions.

2. How can I create a language-rich environment for my toddler?

To encourage your toddler to talk, you can sing songs, read poems, or play. Show them new objects and let them learn the names and uses.

3. How can I use everyday routines to encourage talking?

Everyday tasks can help improve their language development. For instance, talk about food's texture, colour and taste as they eat. You can sing songs during bath time. During story time, introduce new words and ask them questions.

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