Yoga is a timeless tradition passed down through generations. This ancient practice is a vast compendium of knowledge and wisdom regarding holistic approaches towards physical, mental and spiritual well-being. In recent times, yoga has been instrumental in providing strong physical and mental support to couples facing fertility issues. Fertility yoga uses keen insights that channel the body's natural rhythms and cycles. Specific yoga poses and breathing techniques alleviate stress and promote reproductive health. This, in turn, is believed to have a positive effect while trying to conceive, consequently increasing the chances of pregnancy.
Couples undergoing fertility issues are under a lot of stress. Constant worry and persistent pressure are bound to take their toll even on strong-minded people. Such a tremendous level of stress has the potential to impact the reproductive cycle negatively, consequently hampering the chances of conceiving a baby. Again, this leads to even more stress, thus creating a never-ending chain of anxiety, frustration and despair for couples navigating fertility challenges.
To break this depressive cycle, it is recommended to opt for holistic practices, such as yoga, that have been proven to alleviate stress levels and improve physical and mental health. Couples who regularly practice fertility yoga have a calmer and more positive outlook, which in turn increases their chances of conceiving a baby, either naturally or with medical intervention.
When performed properly, yoga has always had a positive impact on one's mind and body. This timeless practice has been immensely helpful in alleviating numerous health issues, both physical and mental. The same holds true for couples who perform yoga to counter their fertility issues. Fertility yoga has many advantages that could potentially aid such couples in overcoming the numerous challenges associated with fertility treatments. Below are some fertility yoga benefits that can be derived from regular practice.
As said earlier, stress plays havoc with the reproductive cycle. A stressed-out body and mind are ill-equipped to handle the enormous challenges that come with pregnancy. Continuous anxiety manifests in different ways. Decrease in sexual intercourse, fluctuation in hormone levels, mental imbalance, inclination towards harmful substances like alcohol, etc., are just some of the outcomes that can be expected from such situations. To avoid such issues, couples can opt for stress-relieving practices like fertility yoga, which has been known to release mood-boosting endorphins. Through mindful meditation and targeted postures, couples can manage stressful situations created by fertility issues more easily.
Hormonal imbalance is the leading cause of infertility among women. It causes a lot of issues like lowered libido, fluctuating ovulation periods, etc. An increase in cortisol, a stress hormone, has been linked to infertility. Cortisol has been known to interfere with the menstrual cycle and disrupt the release of eggs. Such disruptions could affect the chances of conceiving a baby. By following the principles of yoga, such hormonal imbalances can be managed to a reasonable degree.
Low sperm count is one of the most common fertility issues affecting men. Typically, this is caused by several factors, both environmental and lifestyle-related. Smoking, drinking, obesity, etc., are the usual culprits. To counter this issue, it is necessary to have stricter control over one's life. This is where yoga and its simple holistic principles come in. Yoga encourages people to adhere to a simple and healthy lifestyle and forego harmful habits that could, in the long run, be detrimental to one's health. Once these principles are accepted and regularly followed, the sperm count could be improved.
In cases where couples find it difficult to conceive naturally, they could opt for assisted reproductive technology (ART), such as IVF therapy. Stress and hormonal issues usually impair the success rates of IVF. To counter this issue, couples could practice fertility yoga. Fertility yoga has been a boon to such couples as it effectively decreases the stress and anxiety that comes during each and every stage of the IVF treatment. A positive outlook and an optimistic attitude are the stepping stones of successful IFV treatments resulting in a beautiful baby's birth. Apart from this, yoga can also help lessen some of the irksome side effects of ART, such as fatigue, bloating, nausea, etc.
A fit and healthy body is a prerequisite for overall well-being and increased energy and stamina. This is also a vital element in the journey towards fertility. Yoga is a form of non-intensive exercise that works remarkably well. Fertility yoga postures can be utilised to strengthen and tone one's body. This will consequently lead to improved physical fitness and stamina and optimise the chances of conception.
There is nothing more disheartening than the unfulfilled dream of parenthood. Fertility yoga offers couples facing fertility issues a chance to overcome the physical and mental hurdles that lay in their path towards parenthood. Improved health and stamina, reduced stress levels, and an overall acceptance of a healthy lifestyle can give them a better chance of becoming the parents of a beautiful, healthy baby. All this is quite possible through the regular practice of fertility yoga. Couples can expect a better outcome by incorporating such resilience-building, mindful and holistic practices into standard fertility treatments.
Fertility yoga improves the chances of getting pregnant. Yoga encourages a healthy and stress-free lifestyle, typically creating an environment conducive to conception.
Fertility yoga needs to be practised regularly, at least two to three times per week.
Newer technologies have opened up several possible fertility treatment options. As every couple faces unique fertility issues, it is best to consult healthcare professionals with expertise in the field of fertility treatments to gauge which treatment might be the best for getting pregnant.