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Insomnia During Pregnancy

Get all the sleep you can before the baby arrives, they say; but is this possible for all pregnant women? Why do some women complain of the inability to fall asleep during pregnancy? Despite all the fatigue, tiredness and multiple attempts, some pregnant find it very difficult to fall asleep or sleep through the night. Insomnia during pregnancy is not a rare phenomenon.

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What is Insomnia?

Insomnia is a sleep disorder that makes it difficult to fall or stay asleep. It is common for both pregnant and non-pregnant people too. You may drift off sleep on time as intended but wake up in the middle of the night and find it difficult to fall back asleep. Some people find it difficult to sleep until their bodies are too tired. Insomnia affects your sleep quality and duration, thus impacting your energy levels, productivity as well as moods.

What is Insomnia During Pregnancy?

It is very common to experience sleep trouble during pregnancy. However, women who suffer from pregnancy insomnia find it very difficult to get decent sleep on a regular basis. For some, pregnancy insomnia can last for weeks or even months on end.

When the pregnant mother does not get enough sleep, it affects her health and energy levels, which affects the developing baby too. If you are suffering from insomnia during pregnancy, you should consult your doctor and find a solution rather than suffer sleepless nights. You may want to avoid treatments or medications during pregnancy, but not sleeping can have a bigger impact on your baby.

Insomnia Causes in Pregnancy

One of the biggest insomnia symptoms you will experience is the inability to sleep continuously. It may be difficult to fall asleep or stay asleep. You will find yourself feeling tired but unable to sleep despite trying everything.

Some of the common causes for pregnant women suffering from sleepless nights in pregnancy are:

  • Bathroom Trips – As the baby grows, the pressure on your bladder will increase, thus requiring you to frequent the toile too many times. As a result, you may have to wake up multiple times in the night to use the bathroom.
  • Digestive Issues – Heartburn, indigestion, constipation and morning sickness can prevent you from sleeping for more than a few minutes at a stretch. If you are bloated and gassy during pregnancy, it can make it difficult to lie down and sleep at night too.
  • Aches & Pains – During pregnancy, you are bound to experience various aches and pains in different parts of your body. These aches can prevent you from staying asleep or finding the right position to sleep in.
  • Baby Movement – One of the biggest sleep disturbances you will experience during pregnancy is your baby moving and kicking. You may find a nice position and fall into a deep sleep, only to be woken up by a sudden kick from the inside. If your baby is happily rolling inside, it can be very difficult to even sit in one position.
  • Night Sweats– Many pregnant women sweat a lot at night. Their hormonal changes and increase in metabolic activity on account of nurturing a new life can cause drastic changes in their body temperature. One minute you can feel very cold and switch off the air conditioner or even turn down the fan, only to start sweating in the next few minutes. This constant temperature change, especially at night does not allow you to sleep much.
  • Anxiety – Despite a calm and nurturing pregnancy journey, you are bound to experience anxiety. It could be about the pregnancy, the delivery or the baby after its birth. These anxieties and worries can lead to vivid dreams that wake you up multiple times at night.
  • Position – As your pregnant belly grows, it can be very difficult to find the right position to sleep in. You can’t sleep on your stomach for obvious reasons. Sleeping on your back can lead to heart burns as the baby’s weight will press on your organs. The only option is to sleep on your side and changing sides in the middle of the night can get complicated as pregnancy progresses.
  • Night Sweats – Many pregnant women sweat a lot at night. Their hormonal changes and increase in metabolic activity on account of nurturing a new life can cause drastic changes in their body temperature. One minute you can feel very cold and switch off the air conditioner or even turn down the fan, only to start sweating in the next few minutes. This constant temperature change, especially at night does not allow you to sleep much.
  • Anxiety – Despite a calm and nurturing pregnancy journey, you are bound to experience anxiety. It could be about the pregnancy, the delivery or the baby after its birth. These anxieties and worries can lead to vivid dreams that wake you up multiple times at night.
  • Position – As your pregnant belly grows, it can be very difficult to find the right position to sleep in. You can’t sleep on your stomach for obvious reasons. Sleeping on your back can lead to heart burns as the baby’s weight will press on your organs. The only option is to sleep on your side and changing sides in the middle of the night can get complicated as pregnancy progresses.

Insomnia and anxiety during pregnancy is nothing new. Many women suffer from this and find ways to combat it over time. If you are unable to manage it yourself with a few lifestyle changes, consult your doctor. Your doctor might prescribe medicines to help combat pregnancy insomnia.

Must Read : Stress, Distress and Pregnancy: How to Address Stress and Depression During Pregnancy


1. How can I stop insomnia during pregnancy?

Making a few lifestyle changes like eating smaller but healthier meals, exercising and limiting caffeine and screen time can help improve your quality of sleep at night. Serious cases of pregnancy insomnia can be managed with professionally prescribed medications.

2. What causes sleepless nights during pregnancy?

Your sleepless nights during pregnancy could be due to night sweats, digestive issues, baby moving, anxiety, cramps or body aches and pains.

3. Does insomnia during pregnancy affect the baby?

Insomnia during pregnancy affects only the mother and not the baby. It can make the mother’s body weak and increases her blood pressure or sugar levels, which can all impact her delivery.

4. What does it mean when you can’t sleep at night during pregnancy?

Many pregnant women find it difficult to sleep at night. It could be due to various factors, most of which can be managed. It means your body is finding it difficult to get some rest due to all the extra activities going on inside.

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