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How Your Pregnant Belly Will Change During Each Trimester

July 31, 2024

You might notice that a woman's pregnant belly differs for each person, as every woman is unique. From a little bump to the size of a football, the bellies come in different sizes and shapes. Despite every woman having a different shape, there is a typical progression. Here's what the bump may look like during each stage of your pregnancy.  

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When Will The Belly Start To Show?

Until you are four weeks pregnant, you will wonder if you are pregnant, as you may not notice any changes in your belly during this time. While there is no milestone for when the belly begins to show, it progresses in a typical way. Many pregnant women begin to show their bellies around 20 weeks. However, it is normal for the belly to show several weeks later or sooner.  

The size of the belly and when it shows does not depend on the baby's size but depends on you. There are a few factors that determine pregnant belly change, which include

● Bone structure

● Body shape

● Height

● Weight

● Muscle tone

● Previous pregnancies

So, it is clear that your pregnancy belly will be unique and should not be compared with others. For instance, if a woman has more weight on her waist, she may not have a defined bump early on, as the protrusion is not seen until later in pregnancy. A less fat woman may have a visible belly.

Another critical factor that impacts when your belly changes is whether it is your first pregnancy or not. Women with earlier pregnancies develop bumps earlier, which are more significant than those first-time moms. That is because the stomach muscles are not as tight as earlier and stretch faster. Also, if you have multiple babies, they will show sooner as the belly expands quicker and bigger than a woman having a single baby. Remember that having a big or small belly does not mean the baby is not growing correctly; it means that other factors like the ones mentioned above are at play. However, if you have concerns about it, talk to your healthcare provider, as it is better to be cautious than neglect a potential problem.

Pregnancy Belly

First Trimester (Weeks 1-12)

The shape and size of the belly will not change much in the first trimester, but you should start hydrating the skin to reduce stretch marks.

Shape and size: Some women have little change in their belly shape and size during this period. It may look rounder only because of bloating, constipation, or gas. However, compared to a one-month pregnant belly, you may see a little bump at the end of the first trimester, which may not be noticeable to people unaware you are pregnant. But plenty is going on inside the uterus. A woman's pre-pregnancy uterus size changes, and by the end of 12 weeks, it would have grown further.

What to expect: Your clothes may feel tighter and snug. Your belly may look completely flat one day, but on the other, it seems significant. That is because of excess gas and constipation. But you get relief after the first trimester when the digestive system adjusts to the pregnancy hormones.

Second Trimester (Weeks 12-27)

Most women feel good during this time, as the first trimester symptoms ease, and you are not as big and uncomfortable to move. This is the best time to enjoy your pregnancy.

Shape and size: By the end of this period, your belly will show itself, and the uterus will grow bigger. It might also look like you are carrying it in your stomach. There is also a traditional belief about the shape of the stomach and the baby's gender. Realistically, the pregnant woman's belly shape depends on her body and not the baby's gender.

What to expect: You can feel the baby's movement, and there can be round ligament pain (on the lower sides of the belly). This pain is called growing pain and happens because of the stretching of the ligaments and muscles to accommodate the growing uterus. You may also feel belly itch as the skin stretches due to dehydration. Another thing that you see is a dark line in the middle of the belly, which is called linea nigra, which is harmless and caused due to changing hormones.

Third Trimester (Weeks 28-40)

The size of the belly is at its peak during this period, and it is also time for anticipation and excitement regarding the impending delivery.

Shape and size: The shape and size vary from person to person, but they will have an apparent pregnancy belly in their third trimester. The belly is completely stretched and may be wide, high, or low. Sometimes, you may not see a change in the shape, and it just looks big.

What to expect: You can experience many changes during the last weeks of pregnancy. There is no more space for the belly to grow, and the baby pushes against the bladder and lungs. The uterus's position during this time may cause breathlessness, and you may have more bathroom visits. Many women also see swelling in the feet and ankles because of weight gain and excess fluid in the body. To reduce it, drink plenty of water, avoid staying on your feet for long, and stretch if sitting for long hours. If the swelling does not decrease, talk to your doctor, as it may be a sign of preeclampsia. In the last few weeks or days of the third trimester, you may see the bump starting to go lower. This may mean the baby is descending into your pelvis and the baby is preparing to arrive.

Post-Pregnancy Belly

After the delivery, your belly won't be as big as it was during the third trimester. That does not mean it will look like it before you get pregnant. With so much belly stretching over the past nine months, the uterus takes about two to six weeks to shrink. It is squishy and soft, and the abdominal muscles are weak and stretched. Be patient during this phase as you have given birth, and it takes a toll on the body. Remember to drink enough fluids and have a balanced diet.

The shape and size of the belly during pregnancy are not as important as maintaining an optimal weight. Embrace it the way it is, take care of yourself and enjoy your pregnancy no matter the shape and size.


Which trimester does your belly grow the most?

The second trimester is when the belly grows the most.

In which month does the stomach get bigger during pregnancy?

The belly grows more extensive during the second, which begins in the fourth month of pregnancy.

How does belly change in early pregnancy?

The belly does not change much during early pregnancy, but it may look rounder due to bloating rather than to a baby inside.

Can a pregnant belly change shape?

Yes. A pregnancy belly changes shape throughout pregnancy. However, the shape and size depend on many factors like body shape, structure, weight gain, etc.

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