The first few months of your baby’s life are delicate and vulnerable. So, it’s important to pay special attention if you think he/she has a fever. His/her immune system isn’t as good at fighting infections as it will be after a couple of months.
Fever in infants can be scary, but don't panic! Read all about baby temperature, and find out how to safely treat your child's first fever. Arm yourself with the facts, and you'll rest much easier.
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Rectal Thermometer is the right device to record the body temperature of babies younger than 6 months. If your baby’s temperature rises to 100.4 F or above, he/she might be having a fever. The best way to confirm is by taking a few readings when your little one as well. This will help you get a sense of what his/her normal temperature is.
It isn’t necessary that your baby must be burning hot to have a fever. Sometimes baby’s fever won’t be that high, but he may not be acting like himself/herself. Trust your gut feeling and call your doctor.
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It's important to keep your baby hydrated. Keep feeding him/her breast milk or formula during a fever to avoid dehydration.
Never give medicines to your baby without consulting a doctor. It’s always wise to talk to your physician before giving your baby any sort of medication. Your doctor might recommend giving your baby some infant acetaminophen to bring down the fever. Never give your baby medicine like aspirin, which has been linked to a life-threatening condition. Measure the medicine with the measuring device before giving it to your baby and never give more than the recommended dosage to your tiny tot. A lukewarm bath or sponge bath may also help cool a fever.
To Know More: About Healing the Heat
If your baby is under age 3 months and has a fever, take him/her to a doctor. For at least the first 6 months of life, call your doctor anytime your baby has a fever. Look for such symptoms as a loss of appetite, cough, signs of an earache, unusual fussiness or sleepiness, or vomiting or diarrhoea.
Parents often tend to worry when the mercury climbs up. Keep your cool and seek the direct advice of your own doctor in connection with any questions or issues you may have regarding the health of your baby.
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