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How to Get Your Body Ready For a Natural Child Birth Experience

August 22, 2024

Bringing a new life into this world is a miracle; if you are pregnant, you are blessed to have this chance. Preparing for childbirth is quite taxing, as your body and mind undergo several changes in a short period. From conception, your body begins preparing to welcome your little one.

One big question you will likely ponder is how to prepare for a natural birth. The notion of going through painful labour and giving birth may seem scary to most women. However, we can guide you through your journey, making it less frightening. Here are some valuable tips that you can follow for natural childbirth, right from the time of conception up to your delivery time.

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Practical Tips for Normal Delivery

If you are going through a pregnancy and preparing for natural childbirth, you must focus on your physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Take a look at some tips for normal delivery:

Nurturing Your Body

  • Keep Yourself Active

Unless your medical practitioner advises you to take bed rest, pregnancy is when you have to keep yourself active. Being pregnant is not a reason to stop your physical activities and restrict yourself to taking rest all the time.

Walking and prenatal yoga are the best exercises for you at this time. Walking for a minimum of 30 minutes daily keeps you energised and active without putting much strain on your body. Prenatal yoga effectively improves flexibility, strength and relaxation, which will be extremely useful during labour.

Points to remember

Always consult with your gynaecologist before engaging in any new physical activity. Keep yourself and your baby safe, as each pregnancy journey is unique.

  • Practice Pelvic Strengthening Exercises

Pelvic strengthening exercises are key to giving birth naturally. You can follow kegel exercises after consulting your doctor. Ensure to practice with an experienced teacher and then take their advice on continuing. Regular pelvic floor exercises can improve your chances of a smooth, normal delivery.

  • Follow A Balanced Diet

It is normally believed that pregnancy is when you can consume unlimited food. “Eating for two” does not mean that you take in unwanted calories and become overweight. Maintaining your weight under healthy limits is necessary for natural childbirth. Consult a dietician and get a diet plan that will enable you to get all the nutrients required.

While indulging in pregnancy cravings is allowed, do take care not to consume excess junk food. This may lead to obesity, diabetes and other health issues during and after delivery. Drink lots of water, and ensure you take loads of vegetables and fruits to keep yourself within your optimal body weight.

  • Get Sound Sleep

Sound sleep is one of the most important factors that help your body prepare for a demanding labour. Your body gets adequate rest when you sleep soundly, and your hormone balance is also highly improved.

Educating Yourself and Building Up Confidence

To experience a normal delivery, you need to prepare yourself mentally as well. Gain confidence by educating yourself and building a beautiful group of people who will be there for you. Here are some tips:

Educate Yourself

Attend your prenatal classes and educate yourself on what you must go through. You will learn how to care for yourself and what healthy practices to follow to experience a safe childbirth. You get to learn more about pain management techniques and postpartum care that you will need.

Speak to your gynaecologist regarding any fears or clarifications you need, and always keep them informed of your body condition. Read books or talk to people who will help to keep you mentally strong and happy.

Create A Birth Plan

While you cannot plan yourself going into labour, you can plan what to do when that happens. Keep your hospitalisation bag ready, and make sure you have more than one alternative option to reach the hospital in case of any emergency. Plan ahead to let your doctors know who you want with you during delivery if that is permitted.

Visualise A Positive Birth Experience

Visualisation is a powerful tool to help you manifest the perfect birthing experience. Visualise a happy, positive scenario and an easy childbirth. See yourself delivering a healthy baby, and keep repeating these positive affirmations for an easy childbirth:

  1. I am incredibly strong.
  2. My body is capable of giving birth to a healthy baby.
  3. I am a powerful being.
  4. I can bring my baby safely into the world.
  5. My doctors are the best.

Build A Support System

Build a strong support system of family and friends around you. This journey is not an easy one, and your body will be taxed in more than one way. Hence, you need all the support you can get. Make sure you are surrounded by positive people who can lift your spirits and keep you relaxed.

Emotional Acceptance of Your Journey

Learn to manage stress through regular meditation and mindfulness practices. This can help you control whatever complications arise in your life with a calm and balanced mind.

Make it a practice to always communicate openly with your partner. This is a journey you are taking together. Last but not least, understand and trust your body. Trust that your body is naturally adapted to give birth and knows how to handle the process.

Additional Advice for Natural Childbirth

You may have read all the books, attended all your prenatal classes, and packed your bags. Our best advice for natural childbirth is that in between all this, remember to notice the signals your body sends out. Go for all your prenatal checkups. Talk to your doctor if you have any queries.

How do you know when you go into labour? Look out for these signs:

  • You experience contractions at regular intervals; they become stronger and get closer together.
  • Your water breaks and spills over the floor.
  • You notice signs of bleeding.

Remember that when you panic, adrenalin is released, which acts against oxytocin, your best friend. Oxytocin helps induce labour and ensure a positive birthing experience. So keep your emotions in check and stay relaxed. You've got this!


Keep your support group close as your date of delivery approaches. Do not shy away from accepting their help. Follow your intuition and get admitted to the hospital if you feel uncomfortable or tense as your date nears. Finally, stay calm and do not panic. You are prepared for natural childbirth and ready to welcome your baby home!

Frequently Asked Questions:

How can I prepare for a natural pregnancy?

You must prepare yourself physically, mentally, and emotionally. Take your medications and supplements as prescribed by your doctors. Be there for all your prenatal appointments. Take care of your body by staying active, eating healthy, and relaxing your mind. Remain confident that your baby will be safely delivered into this world.

How can I increase my chances of normal delivery?

Practice Kegel exercises after consulting your medical practitioner. Maintain a healthy weight and follow a balanced diet. Take care of your body by keeping it well-hydrated and rested. Avoid unwanted physical and mental strain. Educate yourself and prepare a birthing plan well in advance.

How can I deliver a baby without pain?

Eliminating pain during your childbirth is quite challenging if you are opting for natural delivery. You can try breathing and relaxation techniques, water therapy, or massages. You can also opt for painless delivery when the time comes if you wish.

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