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How Heatwaves Can Affect Fertility?

June 25, 2024

Heatwaves are increasingly becoming a public health concern. Beyond the immediate risks of heat exhaustion and dehydration, a few studies have even suggested a worrisome link between extreme heat and fertility. Prolonged exposure to high temperatures has been shown to impact the reproductive health of both men and women, affecting everything from sperm quality to menstrual cycles. For couples trying to conceive, these findings underscore the need for greater awareness and adaptive strategies. Read on to learn more about the impact heatwaves could have on fertility and what can be done to combat the detrimental effects.

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What is the Impact of Heat Waves on Fertility?

Heatwaves with exceptionally high temperatures are becoming more frequent and prolonged due to climate change. If you are wondering what is the impact of heat waves on fertility, here are a few specific effects:

In Women

Excessive heat has a negative impact on women's reproductive health. Here are some of the health issues men may face:

  • Reduced egg quality: Extreme heat can harm the egg quality. Additionally, temperature-induced oxidative stress damages the egg's genetic material, reducing fertilisation capacity and chances of a successful pregnancy.
  • Impaired ovulation: High temperature disrupts the hormonal balance needed for ovulation, causing irregular periods and reduced fertility.
  • Inhibited implantation: Heat waves can impede the implantation process and may disrupt the functioning of the uterus, making the implantation of the fertilised egg difficult. If implanted, the egg may not develop properly.

In Men

Summer heat and heat waves have a detrimental effect even on male fertility. Here are some of the health issues men may face:

  • Reduces sperm quality: Extended heat exposure can impair the functioning and production of sperm. It reduces sperm motility, morphology and count, thereby reducing the chances of fertilisation.
  • DNA damage: Temperature-induced oxidative stress damages the DNA of the sperm, consequently impacting fertility.
  • Testicular overheating: The testicles are positioned outside the body to regulate a lower temperature required for sperm production. Due to excessive heat, this cooling may be disrupted and affect sperm production as well as quality.

The Relation Between Heatwaves and Women's Reproductive Health

There is a major relationship between heat waves and women's reproductive health. Extreme heat can affect a woman in all stages of her life, be it her periods, fertility level, conception and menopause. Research has shown that heat stress changes the hormonal balance and hinders the menstrual cycle. It causes:

Irregular Periods

Heat stress has a bearing on the menstrual cycle. It can lead to heavy bleeding, irregular periods, shorter menstrual cycles, increased pain and cramps. In extreme scenarios, it can lead to the absence of menstruation (amenorrhea).

Dehydration and Fertility Issues

Due to extreme heat, the body tends to sweat more, which can lead to dehydration. Apart from being the cause of typical health problems, such as fatigue, dizziness, nausea and headaches, dehydration can also affect reproductive health by decreasing cervical mucus. This results in difficulty for the sperm to reach the egg, which impacts conception.

Mental Health

Heat waves can also have a great impact on the mental health. Heat-induced stress, sleep disturbances and anxiety can have a negative impact on the reproductive health of women.

Also Read: Fertility and Autoimmune Disorders

How to Boost Your Fertility in Summer Heat Wave?

Boosting your fertility during a heat wave in summer is quite a challenge, as the effects of high temperatures can harm both female and male reproductive systems. However, you can protect and enhance your fertility during a heat wave with a few adjustments. Here are some practical tips on how to boost your fertility during summer.

Avoid Heat Exposure

Extreme temperatures can inhibit sperm production and also reduce sperm quality, as the testes need a temperature that is cooler than the body temperature. So men should avoid hot tubs, saunas and tight clothing as they increase the core body temperature and affect fertility. Men and women should wear loose-fitting clothes made of natural and breathable fibres like cotton as they help cool the body down. During a heatwave, it is imperative to take regular breaks from exercise or work and just cool down. Ideally, individuals should rest in an air-conditioned room or a shaded area every 20 minutes. This helps to regulate body temperature and prevent heat-related illnesses.

Staying Hydrated

Staying hydrated is essential in summer as it not only helps maintain optimal fertility but also overall health. When the body is dehydrated, there is decreased blood flow to all the organs, including the reproductive system, which negatively affects their functioning. So aim to consume eight glasses of water every day, and in case you sweat more than usual, increase your water intake. You can also consume hydrating foods like watermelon, cucumbers, pineapples, oranges, strawberries, etc.

Have a Healthy Diet

A diet rich in minerals, vitamins and antioxidants is essential for reproductive health. Foods like berries, leafy greens, nuts, etc., can preserve reproductive cells from oxidative stress. Plus, foods like avocados and spinach, which are rich in folate, are good for female and male fertility. To help with hormonal balance, fish, flaxseeds, etc., that contain omega-3 fatty acids should be consumed.


Certain supplements aid reproductive health. Prenatal vitamins that contain calcium, iron, and folic acid are beneficial for women. Men should consume supplements like CoQ10, selenium, and zinc, as they can enhance sperm quality. Talk to a healthcare provider before taking any of the supplements.

Bedroom Temperature

Ensure that you have a cool sleep environment to improve your fertility. A hot bedroom not only disturbs your sleep cycle but also causes hormonal imbalances that impair reproductive health. Invest in a cooling mattress, fans, and/or an air conditioner to maintain an optimal temperature in your bedroom. If natural light streams into your bedroom, blackout curtains can help block it.

Manage Stress

Managing stress is important for fertility, especially during extreme heat, which can cause increased irritability and discomfort. Stress can disturb hormonal balance, menstrual cycle, and ovulation in women and decrease sperm quality in men. Choose to include de-stressing activities like meditation, yoga, and breathing exercises in your daily routine to maintain hormonal and emotional balance.


Regular physical exercise can regulate hormones and boost fertility. However, during summer and especially during a heat wave, it is essential to exercise early in the morning or later in the evening during the cooler time to avoid too much exertion. Also, engage in low-impact exercises like walking or swimming to avoid overheating. Stay hydrated and take breaks during exercise to cool down the body.


Addressing the impact of heat waves on fertility is essential as global temperatures continue to rise. As seen above, extreme temperatures can wreak havoc on reproductive health. However, it is essential to remember the recommendations given above to mitigate the risks associated with heat waves. By implementing these proactive measures, you can protect yourself and your partner from the negative effects of heat waves experienced in the harsh summer months.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can hot weather affect fertility?

Yes. Hot weather can affect fertility in both men and women. It can affect sperm quality and production in men and the menstrual cycle and ovulation in women.

2. How does heat affect the female reproductive system?

Heat affects the female reproductive system in many ways. Extreme heat waves can disrupt the menstrual cycle and hormonal balance. It also damages the oocytes and embryos in women and reduces fertility.

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