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December 3, 2020

As soon as the pregnancy kit shows two lines, the next thing which each pregnant mom does is practice healthy eating habits. But just changing then work out? No! Research shows that pre-conception nutrition plays a vital role in fetal growth and development.

Let’s look at the 7 things one should watch out for before conceiving.

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Due to lifestyle changes, most women land up on the higher end of the scale before conception. When the BMI ranges more than 25 it indicates that you’re obese and more probabilities of having complications in pregnancy. The complications are gestational diabetes, gestational hypertension and neonates may be Large for Gestational Age (LGA), neonatal fat mass, etc.

On the other hand, Underweight mother is more prone to have a low birthweight baby.


  • Keep the menstrual cycle regular
  • Exercise regularly
  • Proper sleep cycle
  • Ward off junk & keep sugars at bay
  • Healthy and mindful eating


Maternal alcohol intake is associated with fetal alcohol syndrome for the baby and also delays puberty in boys. Studies also prove that pre pregnancy smoking can cause Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), placenta previa & paternal smoking is associated with congenital abnormalities in the newborn. So it’s a big no for alcohol and smoking when you’re planning on pregnancy.

Must Read: Preconception Planning: A Sure Shot Way to Healthy Pregnancy


With the change of culture & economy, females tend to be under increasing pressure. Depression, anxiety can take a toll on your body hormones which can lead to reproductive failure & so on. Better to deal amicably in fights, practice meditation & do things which keeps your mind happy.


Folate plays a vital role in pregnancy. To prevent neural tube defects in the new born start folic acid rich diet well ahead. Few food sources are moth bean, Rajmah, soya bean, green leafy vegetables, gingelly seeds, etc. Start indulging on this important vitamin. Your doctor would recommend a supplement even in the planning stages.


With the growing population most of us are vitamin D deficient which can be a risk factor for reduced fertility. Inadequate calcium & vitamin D in the body can affect the skeletal system of the baby. A daily exposure of 10 to 20 minutes can do wonders.

The best source is sunlight exposure between 11 am to 3 pm.

Must Read: Immune boosting foods


Always counter check with doctors about the medicine which you are currently consuming to make sure it doesn’t hinder with the growth of the baby. Exposure to air pollution, toxins, and chemicals can also link to birth defects, cause low fertility etc.


In recent times it is more common to find the endocrine hormones in imbalance. Always do check on thyroid values & blood sugar values before you plan on pregnancy to keep your antenatal period free from co-morbidities.

Must Read: Nutrition during Pregnancy

So plan on a pre-conception goal on wellness from within, so that a healthy generation is produced and for a better future health of your unborn baby.Wishing you all a very healthy planning and  pregnancy!

Cultivate healthy eating habits, wean off stress, move your body and at the end of the day sleep well .For a healthy pre-pregnancy diet plan, meet your nutritionist today!

Watch Video on Tips for Healthy Conception

R. Greata Sherene

Executive Nutritionist

Cloudnine - Chennai

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