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Foods to Boost Your Immunity During Pregnancy

July 12, 2024

Falling sick during pregnancy is the last thing any woman needs. When pregnant, a woman's immune system is generally weaker than usual. In most cases, the immune system in the third trimester is weaker than in the second trimester. Read on to learn why this happens and how to improve your immunity during pregnancy.

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Why is My Immune System so Weak During Pregnancy?

The foet us growing inside the uterus is like a foreign object to the expecting mother's body. Her immune system can identify it as a threat and start attacking the foet us or have a semi-allergic reaction. The body naturally reduces the immune system's defence to avoid such reactions. Now, the immune system will not consider the baby a threat. Conversely, lower immunity can increase the risk of falling sick more often.

How Can I Boost My Immune System During Pregnancy?

Consuming immunity food during pregnancy is one of the best ways to keep the pregnant immune system strong. Here is a list of the best foods to boost immunity in pregnancy:

  1. Garlic – Garlic contains antimicrobial properties that help keep infections away by strengthening your immune system. You need not eat it raw! You can add garlic to all your food preparations and enjoy the extra flavour.
  2. Sweet Potato – Sweet potatoes are rich in vitamin A, which is very important for immune health. Consuming high amounts of vitamin A through supplements is     not recommended. To avoid overdosage, you can include sweet potatoes in your regular diet. They are rich in fibre and can help with pregnancy-related constipation.
  3. Nuts & seeds—Nuts are rich in antioxidants, vitamin E, and micro nutrients, essential for the immune system and fetal development. Seeds are rich in     omega-3 fatty acids, which are important for a baby's brain development  and help reduce inflammation. Nuts and seeds are also good for your gut health, keeping your immune system strong. Bonus—they are light on calories and are a perfect snack when you don't want to add to weight gain.  
  4. Green Tea – The compounds in green tea help strengthen the immune system against health issues like influenza. Green tea is very beneficial for your immune health but contains caffeine. Doctors advise limiting caffeine consumption during pregnancy. So, check     with your doctor to know if and how much green tea you can have.
  5. Fresh Fruits—Fresh fruits are rich in essential nutrients and do not contain processed fats or carbohydrates. Kiwi is a rich source of vitamin C (necessary for immunity). One kiwi can help meet half your daily requirement of vitamin C. Lemons, oranges, amla(gooseberry), and tangerines are also rich sources of vitamin C.
  6. Turmeric—Turmeric is famous in Indian cuisine for its antiviral properties. Adding turmeric to food preparations can help     boost immunity and help you recover from     infections quickly. Pregnant women can have a glass of warm milk mixed with turmeric powder every night before bed.
  7. Cow's     Milk—If you are not lactose intolerant, cow's milk can be very beneficial during pregnancy. It contains many essential nutrients, micro nutrients, and fat to support the mother's immune system and the baby's development.
  8. Poultry – Poultry is high in vitamin B6, which helps maintain a healthy immune system. If you eat meat, you can opt for a broth or soup made with chicken or turkey to reduce inflammation and improve common cold symptoms.
  9. Lentils—Lentils are a rich plant-based source of immune-boosting vitamins and minerals. They are also a great source of  folate, a vitamin very important for a baby's development.
  10. Pro-biotic Foods—Foods like curd, miso, kimchi, or sourdough can help improve gut bacteria and strengthen     the immune system during pregnancy. They can also help with digestion and morning sickness and reduce the risk of preterm delivery.

Also Read: Healthy Eating and Vitamin Supplements in Pregnancy

General Rules for Foods During Pregnancy

Here are some pointers to remember for all foods you consume when pregnant.  

  • Wash Well—Always wash all your produce well with clean water, vinegar, or rock salt, if needed,to remove the pesticides that may be sticking to the surface or skin of the produce.
  • Avoid Raw Foods—Eating raw foods like sushi or rare meat is not advisable during pregnancy. When the meat is not cooked well, it can serve as a breeding ground for poisonous bacteria like salmonella, which can be dangerous during pregnancy.
  • Reduce Seafood Consumption—Many fish contain high quantities of mercury. Avoid such variants and reduce sea food consumption in general during pregnancy.
  • Eat From Hygenic Places—We understand pregnancy cravings can be hard to fight. You may suddenly crave street food. Eating from unhygienic places increases the risk of contracting food and water-borne diseases. Since immunity is weak during pregnancy, eating only from trusted and hygienic places is advisable.


Low immunity is a part of every pregnancy. However, you can significantly improve your immunity by making simple changes to your food and lifestyle. Remember, this is a crucial phase, and your health directly impacts your baby's well-being. Your extra care can go a long way in protecting both of you.


  1. How can I boost my immune system during pregnancy?

Consume foods rich in nutrients and antioxidants, and follow a healthy lifestyle by changing your food habits and including daily exercises. Ensure you take all your prenatal vitamins, and your immune system will be strong even during pregnancy.

  1. What are the 3 foods that boost your immune system?

Citrus fruits, nuts and seeds are very good sources of vitamins,minerals, and antioxidants. All these nutrients help strengthen the immune system.


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