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Fertility Treatment for Women With Tubal Block

Tubal blockage or damage is a common reason for fertility issues inwomen. It is a condition where the fallopian tube is blocked due to variousreasons. The fallopian tube plays an integral role in women's conception.Usually, women with tubal block do not experience any symptoms. It is diagnosedonly when the woman suffers from fertility issues. Women with tubal blockexperience delays in getting pregnant. Women with fertility tubal block can conceive after undergoing specificfertility treatments. Here is a list of fertility treatments for women whosuffer from tubal block.

Book an online appointment with Dr. Mangala Gowri M for Fertility & Gynecology related issues.

What are FallopianTubes?

These are hollowtubes made up of delicate tissues that connect the ovary to the uterus. Thistube carries the egg released from the ovary to the uterus. Fertilisationoccurs in the fallopian tube as the sperm meets the egg in the fallopian tube.The embryo travels down to the uterus for implantation in the uterus lining.

What Causes Tubal Block?

The small size ofthe fallopian tube makes it highly susceptible to damage or blockage. Tubal block occurs due to infection, certain diseases, and damage caused after surgery undergone in the past. Here are some of the main reasons that result in tubal block

Pelvic Inflammatory Disease: This type of infectious disease is sexually transmitted. PID causes inflammation of the fallopian tube, resulting in tubal block.

Endometriosis: The endometrium is a uterus lining that sheds during menstruation.This lining grows outside the uterus, resulting in the condition called endometriosis. This results in inflammation and blocks the fallopian tubes.

Past Surgeries: If you have undergone surgeries for conditions like fibroids, endometriosis, etc., in the past, there can be accidental damage or blockage in the fallopian tube. This makes it impossible for the sperm to travel to the fallopian tube.

How to Treat TubalFactor Infertility in Women?

Women with tubalblock can be treated with a proper diagnosis of the condition. Ahysterosalpingogram test is done to diagnose the blockage in the fallopiantubes. Laparoscopy is performed to assess the actual condition of the blockage.The treatment for tubal factor infertility varies based on the extent of damagein the fallopian tube. Here is a clear insight into the different treatmentmethods for tubal factor infertility.

Salpingectomy: This treatment is usually recommended for a condition called hydrosalpinx- tubal block due to fluid buildup. During this procedure, the doctor may remove some of the parts of the blocked fallopian tube. Also, a new opening is created during this procedure to carry eggs from the ovary. There are higher chances for women to get pregnant through assisted reproductive technology after this procedure. You must stay in the hospital for two or three days after the surgery. It takes about 4-6 weeks to recover after performing Salpingectomy. Some of the risks associated with this procedure are ectopic pregnancy, accidental damage to other internal organs, unusual blood loss, and the growth of scar tissue.

Tubal Cannulation: This is an on-surgical procedure carried out to remove blocks from the fallopian tube. Tubal blocks close to the uterus can be removed through tubal cannulation.During this procedure, the doctor inserts a catheter through the vaginalopening. It reaches the blockage and a small, inflated balloon is used toremove the blockage. The exact position of the blockage is assessed through anX-ray or ultrasound. This treatment method is simple and does not involve anyserious risks. There are chances of infection and tear in the tubal walls.

Tubal Ligation Reversal: This is aprocedure where the tubal ligation procedure is reversed. This surgery iscarried out to remove the blockages in fallopian tubes caused by tuballigation. During this procedure, your doctor will remove the tubal blockagesand connect the ends of the tube. This is called tubal reanastomosis. There arehigh chances for women to conceive naturally after performing tubal ligationreversal surgery. It takes at least two weeks to return to normalcy after theprocedure. Bleeding, ectopic pregnancy, infection, scarring, etc., are some ofthe potential risks of tubal ligation reversal.

In-vitroFertilisation: If you wish to conceive after asuccessful tubal blockage surgery, then in-vitro fertilisation may be the bestoption. It is the best option available in case you do not wish to or are notable to get surgery to reverse the tubal ligation.

IVF is highlyrecommended for women with blocked tubes. In this procedure, fertilisationtakes place in a controlled lab environment. The embryo is directly placed inthe uterus. There is no need for the sperm to travel towards the fallopiantube. Thus, there are high chances of a successful pregnancy with an IVFprocedure.


1.  What is the best fertility treatment for blocked fallopian tubes?

IVF is the best fertility treatment for women with blocked fallopian tubes. In this procedure,the actual fertilization takes place in a controlled environment. The fertilized embryo is implanted in the uterus lining. This likely increases the chance of getting pregnant.

2.  How do you treat blocked tube infertility?

Salpingosotomy is a procedure carried out to remove the blocked portion of the fallopian tube. Tubal cannulation is a non-invasive procedure where an inflated balloon is used to remove the tubal block. IVF is a preferred fertility treatment for women with blocked tubes. In this procedure, a fertilized embryo is placed in the uterus of the woman. There is no need for the sperm to reach the egg in the fallopian tube. Thus, IVF increases the chances of getting pregnant even with tubal blocks.

3.  What can I do to get pregnant if my tubes are blocked?

You must follow the advice of your gynecologist to remove the tubal blocks. You can undergo the right infertility treatment for tubal block based on the type of blockage in your fallopian tube. You can also opt for IVF, which increases the likelihood of getting pregnant even with tubal block.

4.  Can you do IVF if your tubes are blocked?

Yes, you can very well do IVF even if your tubes are blocked. It is the best fertility treatment for women to get pregnant with tubal blocks.

5.  What happens when a woman's tubes are blocked?

When the fallopian tubes of women are blocked, there is no chance for the sperm to meet the eggs present in the tube. This makes it difficult for women to get pregnant, resulting in tubal factor infertility.

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