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Benefits of Eating Dry Fruits - The Complete Guide

Every diet regime that you have heard of includes the ever-present ‘handful of dry fruits every day’. Did you know that Dry Fruits are nuts, dried out fruits and have a lot of health benefits but most of us are unaware of exactly what qualities these have?

By the way, dried fruits are some of the healthiest alternatives to refined sugar, and they are an excellent way to satisfy a sweet craving. After reading this, probably you may prefer to cut down on those monthly once or twice ice-creams for a few dry fruits in your diet.

A fistful of Nuts is a healthy snack per se and in vulnerable groups, there is very good benefit associated with the consumption of dry fruits and Nuts!

Book an appointment online to consult with Ms. Nina Maria Saldanha Nutritionist


  • Boosting Energy
    Good for weight loss. Help in the proper functioning of vital organs of the body.
  • Protein
    Help in weight gain and increasing your baby birth weight.
  • Fibre
    Relieve constipation
  • Mono-unsaturated fat
    Reduction in risk of coronary heart disease, Diabetes
  • Rich in vitamins
    Easier to digest than milk
  • Vitamin - E act as an antioxidant
    Manages high Blood Pressure during Pregnancy. Minimize the risk of developing heart disease
  • Riboflavin
    Energy production, baby bone muscles and brain development.
  • Magnesium
    Ensure the growth and maintenance of bones, proper function of nerve and muscles, helps bowel movements, prevent Heart attack
  • Manganese
    It is important for healthy bones. It helps regulate your and baby weight gain.
  • Regulate Blood Pressure
  • Bone-building mineral. It reduces the risk of hypertension and pre-eclampsia during pregnancy. It helps your baby to grow strong bones and teeth, healthy nerves and muscles.
  • Folate
    Prevent Neural Tube Defect(NTD), Good for pregnant women
  • Flavonoids
    Suppress breast cancer growth, Preventing colon cancer and other cancer. Strong suppressors of the lung, prostate tumour growth
  • Creation of new blood cells, haemoglobin
  • Copper, zinc
    Regulation of nervous system
  • With Vitamin B normal Heart Beat Muscle contraction Kidney function Nerve Signalling, Strengthening of nerve and liver – respiratory disorder
  • Vitamin B1
    Prevents Cardio Vascular Disease
  • Selenium
    Fat absorption, lower cholesterol



  • Energy – glucose, Fructose
    Sufficient sugar content. Period of recovery. Good for gaining weight. A lot of energy.
  • Fibre
    Prevent heart disease and diabetes. Relieves constipation, regulates weight and improves digestion. Antioxidant Stimulate libido and induces arousal. Protect against free radicals which cause colon cancer. Moisture Helps to remove stones
  • Vitamin A
    Good for eye
  • Iron
    Enrich blood, helps in treating anaemia
  • Potassium, magnesium
    Neutralize the acids and help check acidosis (acidity), Ensure the growth and maintenance of bones, proper function of nerve and muscles and helps bowel movements. Prevents pregnancy induced Hypertension
  • Copper
    Necessary for forming RBC
  • Calcium
    Proper bone formation. Absorption of calcium
  • Boron
    Preventing osteoporosis in women in menopause. Beneficial for bones and joints, dental health


  • Energy
    Energizing food, energy density
  • Fibre
    Beneficial for weight management
  • Fat
    Oleic acid and palmitoleic acids that help improve good (HDL) cholesterol
  • Useful for heart problems, Improving Cardio Vascular Condition. lowering LDL cholesterol levels
  • Vitamin B
    Prevent myriad diseases. Phyto-chemicals which help in fighting many kinds of cancers and diseases
  • Pyridoxine (vitamin B6)
    Reduces the risk of anaemia
  • Helps in skin disorder
  • Vitamin K
    Bone health and cancer protection
  • Magnesium
    Muscle and nerve response – Helps in building muscles, bones, gums and teeth. Helps the body cope with stress, helping promote normal sleep patterns in menopausal women and helps bowel movements
  • Phosphorous
    Development of healthy bones, normal heart rhythm and blood clotting. Improve recall and delay, age-related memory loss
  • Manganese
    It is important for healthy bones. It helps regulate your and baby weight gain.
  • Copper (cofactor with zinc and manganese)
    It helps to make use of iron stored in your body. It helps for organs and muscles to work smoothly. Healthy liver and brain – energy production, greater flexibility in blood vessels, bones and joints
  • Zinc
    Fight infections – regulate growth and development, gonadal function, digestion, and DNA (nucleic acid) synthesis
  • Selenium
    Eliminating free radicals, thereby proving to be beneficial in preventing and curing cancer
  • Use for eye functioning


  • Energy
    High in calories and energy. Helps for weight gain.
  • Fibre
    Relieve from constipation and good for weight gain. Intestinal disorders – a growth of pathological organism thus rise in friendly bacteria
  • Vitamin A
    Essential for vision, help to protect from lung and oral cavity cancers
  • Vitamin B6
    Boosting Brain development
  • Potassium
    Beneficial for controlling diarrhoea. Boost nervous system health and muscle control. Help controlling heart rate, stroke,coronary heart diseases and blood pressure. Heart – protect against atherosclerosis, heart attacks and stroke
  • Phosphorous
    Development of healthy bones, normal heart rhythm and blood clotting. Improve recall and delay, age-related memory loss
  • Calcium
    Keeping bones, nerve, muscles and teeth safe and strong. Reduces HTN.
  • Iron
    Balances inherent lack of iron in anaemic patients, increasing energy and strength while decreasing feelings of fatigue and sluggishness.
  • Magnesium, Manganese, Copper
    Strengthening bones and prevent osteoporosis
  • Copper
    Production of RBC
  • Sulphur, flavonoidanti
    Infective, anti-inflammatory, and anti-hemorrhagic and cancer. Abdominal cancer excellent remedy for alcoholic intoxication


  • Energy
    Helps stabilize blood sugar
  • Protein
    Weight gain and increase baby birth weight. Add complete protein to your diet
  • Fat (mono-unsaturated fatty acids like oleic acid)
    Lower cholesterol and reduce the risk of heart disease. Lower LDL and increase HDL
  • Fibre
    Feel fuller and prevents constipation
  • Carotenoids
    Beneficial to eye health
  • Vitamin B6
    Helps prevent anaemia, cardiovascular diseases control cholesterol. Balances hormones and regularise period
  • Vitamin E
    protecting our skin and from harmful oxygen-free radicals
  • Potassium
    Good for hypertensives
  • Copper
    It helps to make use of iron stored in your body. It helps for organs and muscles to work smoothly. Helps in neurotransmission, metabolism and RBC synthesis.
  • Manganese
    It is important for healthy bones. It helps regulate your and baby weight gain.


  • Protein
    Helps in brain function
  • Fibre
    Laxative – ease constipation
  • Omega 3 fatty acid
    Helps in the development of baby eye and brain. Good for the heart, reduce the levels of triglycerides, anti-inflammatory benefits in asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, eczema and psoriasis helps to increase the good cholesterol levels
  • Riboflavin, Thiamine
    Good for bone muscles and brain development.
  • Vitamin B6
    Reduces the risk of anaemia
  • Folate
    Prevent Neural Tube Defect(NTD), Good for pregnant women
  • Niacin
    Helps in skin disorder
  • Melatonin
    Protect against inflammation
  • Iron
    Creation of new blood cells, Haemoglobin
  • Magnesium
    Bone formation.
  • Phosphorus
    Kidney, muscle and nerve function
  • Copper
    It helps to make use of Iron stored in your body. It helps for organs and muscles to work smoothly. Helps in neurotransmission, metabolism and RBC synthesis.
  • Manganese
    It is important for healthy bones. It helps regulate your and baby weight gain.


  • Energy
  • Fibre
    Relieve from constipation and good for weight gain. Prevents GDM.
  • Riboflavin, Thiamine
    Good for bone muscles and brain development.
  • Vitamin A
    Important for eye and bone health.
  • Vitamin B
    Prevents Pre Eclampsia (High BP)
  • Copper
    It helps to make use of iron stored in your body. It helps for organs and muscles to work smoothly. Helps in neurotransmission, metabolism and RBC synthesis.
  • Iron
    Creation of new blood cells, Haemoglobin
  • Potassium
    Improve muscle control and helps to prevent Pregnancy Induced Hypertension
  • Magnesium
    The proper function of nerve and muscles.
  • Iron
    Helps increase blood volume
  • Calcium, Phosphorus
    Bone formation.

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Additional Benefits

  • Protein
    Helps in weight gain and increasing baby birth weight
  • Fibre
    Helps to prevent heart disease and Diabetes.Regulates weight gain and improve digestion
    Dried apples, Dried Bananas, Dried Fig, Peanuts
  • Vitamin B6
    Helps prevent anameia, treats heart disease and high cholesterol.
    Dried Bananas
  • Vitamin E
    Can prevent problems in the later stage of pregnancy due to high blood pressure (pre-eclampsia)
    Peanuts, Pine nuts
  • Vitamin K
    Important for normal blood clotting and making proteins for bones
    Pine nuts
  • Iron
    Having Enough iron in your body prevents anameia
    Dry Fig
  • Zinc
    Improves immunity. Helps form baby organs, Skeleton, nerves and circulatory system
    Pine nuts
  • Copper
    It helps your body to make use of the iron stored in your body. It is also important for organs and muscles to work smoothly
    Pine nuts
  • Manganese
    It is important for healthy bone. Regulates mother and baby weight gain
  • Magnesium
    Ensure the growth and maintenance of bones, proper function of nerves and muscle and helps bowel movement
    Dried Bananas, Pine Nuts
  • Phosphorus
    Helps in forming healthy bones. Develop Blood Clotting and normal heart rhythm
  • Calcium
    Reduces the risk of hypertension and pre-eclampsia during pregnancy. It helps your baby to grow stronger bones and teeth, healthy nerves and muscles.
    Dried Fig
  • Potassium
    Improve muscle control and maintains blood pressure
    Dried apples, Dried bananas

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Must Read: Demystified Pregnancy Myths Related To Food

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