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Dengue During Pregnancy

July 30, 2024

Pregnancy is a crucial phase in the life of every woman. During pregnancy, the immune system changes for fetus growth, making pregnant women susceptible to infections. Dengue is a viral infection transmitted through the bite of a particular type of mosquito. Research reveals that dengue during pregnancy can lead to several complications like pre-term delivery, low birth weight and others. The symptoms of dengue in pregnancy vary from person to person. This article provides insight into the symptoms, risks and treatment for dengue during pregnancy.

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How Dengue Fever Affects Pregnant Women?

When an infected mosquito, mainly the Aedes aegypti type, bites a pregnant woman, she is likely to suffer from dengue fever. These mosquitos are active during the monsoon season. If you experience mild symptoms, the infection lasts only for a week. However, when you notice severe symptoms, it may lead to serious pregnancy complications.

Dengue in pregnant women is a matter of concern as it can harm the baby in the fetus. Dengue infections can enter the placenta of pregnant women, especially during their first or third trimester. As the dengue virus and fetal health are closely associated, there is a high risk of transmitting dengue to the baby, leading to serious pregnancy complications.

So make sure you check for its symptoms. Treating the infection early ensures the overall well-being of both the mother and the baby.

Notable Symptoms of Dengue During Pregnancy

Pregnant women can experience mild to severe symptoms when affected by dengue virus. The mild dengue symptoms are:

  • High fever and headache
  • Muscle and Joint Pain
  • Rashes
  • Vomiting
  • Lethargy

The warning signs or symptoms may vary if you suffer from severe dengue fever.

  • Severe Vomiting
  • Difficulty in breathing
  • Severe abdominal pain
  • Bleeding gums
  • Fatigue

Potential Risks of Dengue During Pregnancy

Dengue for pregnant women is associated with several health risks. Research reveals that when a pregnant woman suffers from dengue fever, the chance of the dengue virus affecting the fetus is high. Also, the physiological changes during pregnancy increase the risk of dengue. The severity of dengue fever and miscarriage risk are closely associated. Proper medical intervention at an early stage can help in managing dengue during pregnancy. If the condition worsens, you or the baby may suffer from any of the following health risks:  

  • Premature birth
  • Low birth weight
  • Miscarriage
  • Mucosal bleeding
  • Death of the unborn baby
  • Pre-eclampsia
  • Haeomorrage
  • Liver enlargement
  • Gestational diabetes
  • Bleeding during childbirth
  • Organ dysfunction
  • Stillbirth
  • Neurodevelopmental disorder
  • Hearing Loss
  • Limited fetus growth

Diagnosing Dengue During Pregnancy

A blood test can help detect dengue infection. Your doctor collects your blood sample, which is sent to the lab for assessment. Make sure you share your travel history with your doctor, as it can be an important source of information for diagnosing dengue infection. If you have recently traveled to countries or places where there is an outbreak of mosquito-borne diseases, then you’re likely to be affected by them.

Treating Dengue During Pregnancy

Mild dengue fever may not require treatment as the fever subsides within a few days. If you’re pregnant with severe dengue symptoms, consult your doctor for further treatment. Treating dengue during pregnancy is important. Proper medical treatment can protect your baby from infection. Treating at the earliest can help avoid pregnancy complications.

  • Your doctor may prescribe paracetamol to reduce fever.
  • Your doctor may prescribe painkillers and antibiotics to relieve muscle and joint pain due to dengue infection.
  • In case of dehydration, you may be hospitalised for an IV to treat dehydration and low blood pressure.
  • If you suffer from severe abdominal pain due to dengue infection, you may be hospitalised to monitor your blood pressure levels.
  • Blood transfusion and platelet transfusions are a must when the condition of pregnant women is at risk.  
  • Periodic check-ups are a must when you suffer from dengue fever during pregnancy. Your doctor would insist you stay hydrated and increase fluid intake. This helps to avoid dehydration and maintain the amniotic fluid levels.
  • In case of severe dengue fever, pregnant women require immediate hospitalisation.
  • Make sure you take ample rest for a quick recovery from dengue fever.

Preventing Dengue During Pregnancy

Prevention is the best way to avoid getting infected by dengue fever. Pregnant women must stay away from any type of infection for the well-being of the baby. Prevention of Dengue in Pregnancy ACOG insists that pregnant women take proper precautions to prevent dengue infection. Here are some effective preventive steps to prevent dengue infection during pregnancy.

Use Safe Mosquito Repellent: To avoid mosquito bites during pregnancy, use an EPA-approved mosquito repellent containing 20-30% DEET. Lemon oil and eucalyptus oil are very good alternatives to regular mosquito-repellent creams.

Wear Proper Clothing: When outdoors, pregnant women can wear dresses with long sleeves and pants to cover their bodies. This protects them from mosquito bites.

Drain Stagnant Water: Check for places where there is stagnant water around your home. This is the primary cause of mosquito breeding.

Stay Indoors: It is safe for pregnant women to stay indoors when the mosquitos are active, especially in the morning and evening.

Closely monitor symptoms like fever, headache, rashes, joint pain and nausea. Early diagnosis of dengue fever can avoid the risk of dengue virus infecting the baby in the fetus. You can very well prevent dengue infection by following the above safety precautions.  

Also Read: Vitamin B12 Deficiency–Management During Pregnancy


1. How to treat dengue in pregnancy?

  • Your doctor may recommend paracetamol to reduce fever. Paracetamol is safe for pregnant women.
  • You may be administered an IV to avoid dehydration. This helps to maintain your amniotic fluid levels, preventing dehydration.
  • Your doctor may prescribe painkillers or antibiotics if you suffer from severe joint or muscle pain.

2. What are the 7 warning signs of dengue?

Some of the signs that you are affected by dengue are

  • High fever
  • Severe Headache
  • Joint and muscle pain
  • Rashes
  • Vomiting
  • Dehydration
  • Numbness

3. What foods should you avoid if you have dengue?

  • Pregnant women suffering from dengue must avoid spicy and oily foodstuffs. Limit your caffeine intake. Avoid food rich in fat.

4. Can dengue cross the placenta?

  • Yes, dengue can cross the placenta, affecting your baby. The antibodies of the dengue virus can cross the placenta and affect the fetus. Your baby may also suffer from dengue fever and have low platelet counts. Due to dengue, there is a chance of dengue shock syndrome or dengue hemorrhagic fever affecting the newborn.

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