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Baby Teething Fever – Can Teething Really Cause a Fever?

Teething can be a tough phase for the baby as well as the parents. Many babies tend to have various side effects during this teething phase. Is your baby nearing the teething stage? Are you worried about teething fever and other health complications that accompany teething? Don’t worry, we have everything covered right here to help you through this phase

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What is Teething?

Teething is when the baby’s gums split open to let the teeth grow out. Sometimes, it can be very painful and uncomfortable for the baby and sometimes, you may not notice anything until that pearly little white tooth shows up when your baby grins.

Usually, the front two teeth on the lower gums are the first to come. Your baby may not eat much because it can be very painful to bite into any food or even let soft foods touch their tender gums. As a result, they may get cranky due to hunger and discomfort, thus fussy behavior.

To Know More : My baby is having fever and I see the gums are hard, is it cause of teething?

Can Teething Cause Fever in Babies?

Well, there is no scientific proof to back this claim. While teething may cause your baby’s temperature to rise slightly, it may not result in a fever. If your baby has a fever while teething, it could be due to some other illness.

Reasons for Baby Teething Fever

So, why does teething cause fever? As mentioned earlier, teething does not cause fever in babies but teething fever could be due to the following reasons:

Exposure to Germs

When your child is teething, they are bound to feel uncomfortable and try various methods to soothe the discomfort. Some babies like to bite on hard items as the pressure on the gums can be soothing. Since babies do not have access to various hard foods or cold items like adults, they make do with what they can reach.

While some of these items could be edible, most of them are not. Babies will try to mouth everything, explore and try to find something hard to help with the discomfort. Babies will ingest many germs from all the toys and other items they mouth. Exposure to new pathogens will cause their immune system to fight off infections, thus resulting in a fever.

Fever is the immune system’s response to germs and infections. When the immune system fights these, pathogens, the body temperature rises, resulting in a fever. So, your baby’s fever while teething could be the result of their immune system fighting some germs they ingested while mouthing something.

Antibodies Fading Away

Babies are born with almost no immunity. The only immunity they have is through the antibodies their mother passed on to them during birth. These antibodies will start fading away or losing their impact when the baby is around a year old. This is also the time many babies start teething.

As the antibodies wear off, their immune system has to start learning how to fight infections. It will take some time for the immune system to develop the various antibodies and defence mechanisms. During this time, when the immune system is constantly fighting infections, your baby is bound to have regular fevers.

How Long Does Teething Fever Last?

Babies start teething when they are around 6-8 months of age. Their teeth continue to come in until they are about 3 years old. Your baby will not have a fever every time a tooth grows. Since teething does not cause fever, your baby can have a fever every time they contract an infection.

The immune system reacts differently to different infections. So, your baby’s fever will last until their body successfully fights it off. Sometimes, they may require extra reinforcements in the form of home remedies or medications, to help them fight the pathogens.

In most cases, the fever can last between 3 to 7 days. If your baby has a high fever for more than 2 days, it is important to consult a doctor right away instead of self-medicating with paracetamol at home.

To Know More : How does teething affect babies?

Symptoms of Teething

Now, that we know teething does not cause a fever, let’s look at the actual symptoms of teething:

  • Drooling – Babies may salivate more while teething, which results in drooling and more spit. Many babies may keep their mouths open as closing them will make the gums meet and cause discomfort. When their mouths are open, they can’t swallow much, thus increasing drooling.
  • Chewing – Many babies like to chew on things to ease the pain in the gums. Most babies will mouth their toys and other accessible things, leading to infections.
  • Rash – The constant presence of drool or spit on their face can result in rashes caused by the bacteria and food particles in the saliva.
  • Sore Gums – As the tooth tears through the gums, it can be very painful. Your baby might get fussy and cry more frequently. Very rarely does it hurt enough to disturb their sleep.
  • Mouthing – As the gums ache, your baby might try to mouth everything around them. They will particularly like to chew on hard or cold items.

How to Help Your Teething Baby?

As parents, you are bound to feel helpless when your baby goes through their teething. You know they are in pain, but can’t help it. You can do the following to help ease their pain and discomfort:

  • Massage – Massaging the sore spot on the gums can help ease the pain. Ensure your fingers are clean and massage gently for about 2 minutes. You can also just put some pressure on the sore spot when your baby is in pain.
  • Teether – Teethers are safe and can be very comforting to chew on. Babies are prone to dropping their teether, so, wash them regularly to avoid infections. You can even chill the teether or a washcloth in the fridge and give it if your baby prefers something cold.
  • Use Cups – If your baby is refusing to breastfeed or feed from a bottle use a cup. The sucking motion can be uncomfortable for some babies. Drinking from a cup will be easier. Avoid using frozen items or using teething gels.

Must Read : How To Take Good Care Of Your Toddler’s Teeth?

When to Call the Doctor?

If your baby has a persistent fever, consult your doctor immediately. If they are unable to eat or sleep and keep crying, ask your doctor for suggestions. Self-medicating your child using over-the-counter medicines is not a good idea.

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