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Baby Health and Skincare Tips

After bringing your newborn home, it’s natural to want to exercise extreme caution and care to keep them in the pink of health. If you’re a new parent looking for tips, this list can help you take care of your newborn with ease.

Skincare Notes & Tips

  • Your baby’s skin and immune system are sensitive, so it’s important to adopt a skincare routine to shield your little one’s skin from germs
  • Newborn babies have naturally wrinkly skin coated in vernix, a waxy covering that peels off on its own after a while
  • Avoid rubbing off the vernix or slathering lotion over it; when it comes to basic newborn skincare, follow the golden ‘less is more’ approach
  • Diaper rashes are common amongst babies; to avoid them, clean your baby’s bottom with warm water at each change, and let the area dry before putting on another diaper
  • Diaper rashes do not normally warrant medical attention, but if they do not clear up in two to three days, consult a dermatologist. Wash your baby’s clothes, bedding and blankets separately with mild, fragrance-free and dye-free detergents
  • Massage your baby daily; studies have shown that babies thrive on touch and that babies massaged daily cry less often, feel loved and sleep longer

Clothing Notes & Tips

  • The right clothing can go a long way in keeping your newborn’s skin healthy and happy
  • Pick soft, breathable cotton clothes that aren’t too tight
  • Keep your baby’s arms and legs covered regardless of the weather outside, to protect their sensitive skin.
  • Avoid dressing your baby in materials like lace, wool and cashmere; these can cause rashes and allergies

Bathing Notes & Tips

  • You might notice that your baby enjoys splashing in bath water, but try to keep baths short and sweet to avoid drying your baby’s skin
  • Use mild, baby-friendly soap during bath time and make sure not to rub the soap on your baby’s skin too harshly, as this can dry it out  
  • Keep bath water lukewarm
  • Moisturise your baby’s skin with fragrance-free baby lotion after each bath
  • Restrict baths to two to three times a week; bathing your baby too often can cause their skin to dry out by stripping it of natural oils

Nutrition Notes & Tips

  • Seek advice from your paediatrician on how to tailor your baby’s diet to each age and stage
  • Strive to breastfeed your baby for at least the first six months and ask your paediatrician for help if you experience difficulty doing so

Want to consult the Best Pediatricians in India? Please find the links below.

  1. ‍Best Pediatricians in Bangalore
  2. Top Pediatricians in Chennai
  3. Best Pediatric Doctor in Mumbai
  4. Top Children’s Specialist near me in Pune
  5. Best Child Specialist doctor in Chandigarh
  6. Top Pediatrician near me in Gurgaon
  7. Best Pediatrician doctors in Noida

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