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Arthritis During Pregnancy

September 2, 2024

Pregnancy is not an exciting journey for all. Women who suffer from certain medical conditions face several challenges during pregnancy. Rheumatoid arthritis is one such condition causing several pregnancy complications. The good news is that arthritis doesn't prevent you from getting pregnant. However, arthritis during pregnancy can be a cause of high-risk pregnancy. But with proper medical treatment and management techniques, you can navigate your pregnancy with less trouble. Continue reading for a clear insight into the prominent arthritis symptoms during pregnancy and ways to manage them.

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Rheumatoid Arthritis - Overview

Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic medical condition that causes inflammation, swelling and pain in your body tissues and joints. It is an autoimmune disease where your body's immune system attacks the bones and joints, resulting in pain and discomfort. The disease affects people of all ages, and it is more prevalent among women aged 30-50 years. If not treated properly, it can result in long-lasting damage to your joints. So, proper medical treatment is a must to manage this condition.

Symptoms of Arthritis During Pregnancy

The symptoms of arthritis may increase or decrease during pregnancy. For some, the condition remains the same or flares up.

● Arthritis usually affects your joints, resulting in pain and inflammation. You may experience severe joint pain due to the weight of your baby in the womb.

● Some of the notable arthritis in pregnancy symptoms are additional fatigue, joint pain for more than a month and early morning stiffness of muscles.

Risk Associated with Arthritis During Pregnancy

There is no need to panic as the risk is not high for pregnant women with arthritis. The risk of pregnancy is slightly high for women with arthritis. However, you may face certain complications during pregnancy.

● There are chances for congenital disability due to the impact of arthritis medications during pregnancy.

● Severe arthritis symptoms during pregnancy can increase the likelihood of miscarriage. If the condition is not under control, your fetus may have lupus.

● It also makes it difficult for pregnant women with arthritis to perform their day-to-day activities.

● You may also find it difficult to deliver your baby vaginally due to arthritis symptoms. There are also chances of pre-term birth and c-section in case of severe arthritis.

● There are chances that you carry the disease to your baby.

● Postpartum flare is one of the common risks of arthritis.

Make sure you check the treatment for arthritis in pregnancy to avoid high-risk pregnancy.

Treatment for Arthritis During Pregnancy

If you're pregnant and suffering from arthritis, you must continue with your medical treatment. Proper medical treatment can help you minimise the risk of pregnancy due to arthritis. It is dangerous to consume over-the-counter medicines as they can affect your growing fetus. Your doctor may suggest some safe medications for arthritis that can be consumed during pregnancy. Your doctor may advise you to continue or avoid certain medications based on the severity of the condition.

Things to Do to Manage Arthritis During Pregnancy

Certain lifestyle changes and healthy practices make managing arthritis during pregnancy easy. Some of them are listed below:

Eat a Balanced Diet: Eating a nutritious and balanced diet can help you remain healthy during pregnancy despite the arthritis symptoms. Eating a nutrient-dense food aids in the development of your fetus. Avoid highly processed food that triggers inflammation. Include vegetables, fruits and lean proteins that reduce inflammation due to arthritis. Prepare a customised meal plan based on the advice of your dietician to relieve symptoms of arthritis.

Exercise Regularly: If you have arthritis and are pregnant, talk to your doctor about an appropriate exercise routine. Exercising throughout your pregnancy promotes flexibility, helps you relax your joints and improves muscle strength. Walking and swimming are the ideal exercises for arthritis patients during pregnancy.

Maintain Ideal Weight: t's normal to gain weight during pregnancy. However, maintaining a healthy weight gain is important for both you and your baby. Being overweight can worsen arthritis symptoms during pregnancy. Monitor your weight gain during pregnancy to avoid the severity of arthritis.

Hot and Cold Therapy Helps: Place hot or cold packs on the affected joints or muscles for pain relief. Massage therapy also helps to loosen the stiff muscles.

Practice Relaxation Techniques: Deep breathing is an effective way to manage pain due to arthritis during pregnancy. Progressive muscle relaxation is an effective technique to ease body tension due to arthritis. Practice restorative yoga poses to relax your body. It is said that yoga also helps reduce the anxiety of chronic arthritis patients. Meditation also helps to relax your body when you have severe arthritis.

Get Ample Rest: Ensure you rest your joints and muscles sufficiently. Proper sleep is essential when you have arthritis during pregnancy. This can help relax the affected joints and stiff muscles. There is evidence of reduced inflammation in arthritis patients who rest properly during pregnancy.

Maintain the Right Posture: Maintaining the right posture helps ease arthritis pain. This reduces stress on the joints and relieves joint pain. Use the right pillows during sleep to relieve pain and get good sleep.

Join Support Groups: Connect with people who listen to your feelings. It is a platform to interact with people who have arthritis.


Arthritis may or may not increase pregnancy complications. A pregnant woman with arthritis can deliver a baby without any complications. But in some cases, arthritis during pregnancy is associated with high risk. So, it is important to have a clear idea of your condition and undergo proper treatment for the same to avoid risks. Consult with your doctor to come up with a treatment plan based on the severity of the condition.


1. Can you get arthritis while pregnant?

Yes, there are chances to get arthritis while pregnant. However, it is a rare case where your body exhibits symptoms of arthritis during pregnancy.

2. Does arthritis go away after pregnancy?

If the arthritis is mild, you may feel less fatigue after delivery. For some, arthritis goes away after pregnancy.

3. How to relieve joint pain while pregnant?

● Provide sufficient rest to your joints.

● Cold or hot packs can help relieve pain in joints.

● Practice breathing and relaxation techniques.

● Massaging your joints and muscles

4. Why do the joints in my hands hurt while pregnant?

Hormonal changes during pregnancy affect the ligaments, resulting in joint pain in the hands. If you have arthritis, this pain is even more worse. Weight gain and fluid retention are also primary reasons for hand and joint pain during pregnancy.

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