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10 Tips That Can Help New Dads Survive Fatherhood

December 3, 2020

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The first few months after your wife’s delivery may be the time of happiness and excitement, but may also have an unhealthy combination of frustration, sleep deprivation and self-doubt as taking care of a baby isn’t an easy task. Your lives do change once the baby comes into your life. The major changes include sleepless nights, a crying baby, and probably, a crying wife. Handling all these complications and getting through them is definitely hard-to-do.

But there is nothing to worry, we have penned down few tips through which you can not only survive this complex time, but also become a hero in the eyes of your wife and your kids.

1. Fight with Your Fears:

New dads often fear hurting their babies. The first step towards building the bond with your child is fighting out these fears inside your head. Make yourself understand that these types of thought are common and it doesn’t mean you will actually hurt your baby. Learn and apply good parenting skills just like your wife and strengthen your connection with the tiny tot.

2. Learn the Basics of Baby Rearing:

Try your hand on learning baby rearing techniques. Learn to, change diaper, feed and burp your baby and soothing your baby when crying. This will increase your wife’s trust on you and she may count on you when the time comes.

3. Relax and Decompress Your Stress:

It is very important for you to stay cool headed while your better half is stressed and frustrated. Learn some techniques to decompress your stress and practice it regularly. Meditation, some alone time, exercise can be really helpful for relaxation.

4. Offer Help, Often:

Make sure you help your wife with baby and other household works, often. It may be very stressful for her to take care of the house and baby both. Lending your hand to help will be a great mental repose for her.

5.Give mum (rather than her) a Break:

You must take an active participation in parenting. Give her a chance to step away for a while, such as having a hot shower, evening walk around the neighborhood, day out with her girlfriends etc. She will love it!

6. Stop Complaining:

You should never complain about how tough your day was. There are chances that she might have had a tougher day than you.

7. Prepare yourself for a Sexless Life:

Six weeks post pregnancy is a no sex period. Because, your wife may face changes in hormones as well as exhaustion, which may make her less interested in sex for a while. It is your duty to support your wife during this time. Give her the space and try to be patient. Remember the situation is temporary and will change soon.

8. Reassure Her:

Let her knows that you will be always by her side no matter what. This will help her build her confidence as a new mother.

9. Let Her Know, She is Doing Great:

As a loving husband, it’s your duty to tell her that she is doing great and is a wonderful mom. Your support and appreciation will encourage her.

10. Talk to New Parents:

You must start socializing with other new parents. Talking to people who are going through the same thing can be amazingly helpful for you and your partner.

New moms have breathing classes, pregnancy yoga, support groups, lactation consultants, maternity leaves, post pregnancy yoga classes to relax and survive the initial period of post-delivery. But, what about the new dads? Well... These survival tips can guide them through and show them the way to become the responsible and super dads for their babies.

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