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10 common mistakes made by first-time parents

December 3, 2020

All parents make mistakes. Don't believe it? Being a parent is one among the toughest jobs you can ever come across especially the first few months with your newborn. Parenting is a learning process where you commit mistakes and master the art. But, avoiding some common gaffes by simply being aware of them can actually make the whole process easy and less stressful.

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Here are some common mistakes new parents make, along with suggestions to avoid making them:

New-parent mistake No. 1: Panicking over anything and everything

The most common mistake every new parent makes is panicking over everything. Parents spend their first couple of years of parenting worrying about simple things. Baby’s food, sleep and cries, everything worries them. So, if you are one among those panics stricken parents then stop worrying about anything and everything. Worrying about unwanted stuff won’t do any good for you and your baby. Instead, be calm and take your baby regularly to the doctor and get your doubts and concerns cleared by the experts.

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New-parent mistake No. 2: Not letting your infant cry it out.

Don’t you worry when your baby cries non-stop? Come on! We know you well… Your baby is crying and you can’t figure out why he/she is crying. It is perfectly fine if your baby is crying for no reason. Crying is part of being a baby. You know your baby well. If you think something is wrong, check with your doctor immediately. If your baby is having fever, rash, vomiting or a swollen belly and crying inconsolably, call your doctor for help.

New-parent mistake No. 3: Ignoring fever

Often parents think it’s normal to have 100.4 temperatures and by home medication, their baby will get well soon. But, if a 3-month-old baby has 100.4 or above fever, it is an emergency. If your baby has a temperature, don’t take risks. It is better you consult a doctor. A baby’s immune system isn’t strong enough to fight many infections. Get your doctor’s assistance as soon as possible.

New-parent mistake No. 4: Waking up baby for breastfeeding

It is true that a mother’s milk is the best source of nutrition for the baby. And till six months, the baby must be fed only the mother’s milk. But, that doesn’t mean that you wake your sleeping newborn every two-three of an hour and feed him/her. A well-breastfed baby should sleep comfortably through the night.

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New-parent mistake No. 5: Neglecting oral care

Often new parents neglect oral care of their infants until it’s too late. Oral hygiene is equally important for infants just like adults. So, next time make sure you wipe your baby’s gums with a wet soft cloth after feeding him/her. Fluoride in water helps in preventing cavities, so let your infant take a few sips of water after feeding session.

New-parent mistake No. 6: Not sharing your work

Don’t shut out your spouse from sharing the workload. He may not be the master in bathing and feeding the baby, but let him find his own way. Share the baby’s responsibilities with your partner. These joint efforts will not only reduce your workload but also bring you both closer.

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New-parent mistake No. 7: Ignoring your spouse

Addition of the new member into the family may keep you so busy that you might forget about your spouse (especially women). However, it’s important that you give priority to your partner. Make sure you spend some quality time with him. Leave your baby with your in-laws or parents and go out for a dinner date with your partner. It will help in keeping the spark in your marriage alive.

New-parent mistake No. 8: Fighting too much (or too little) in front of your baby

Do you fight or argue in front of your baby? Never do it. Arguing and fighting can have a negative effect on the infant’s brain. Their brain is highly responsive, so any kind of fights and mistreatment can hamper their brain development.

New-parent mistake No. 9: Baby talks

It’s euphoric to hear your tiny one cooing and babbling. But, your little baby might start processing language quite earlier than you expect. So, make sure you don’t confuse your infant with baby talks. Engage him/her with infant-directed speech. Short and clear phrases and instruction with facial expressions that are easy to understand and grab his/her attention.

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New-parent mistake No. 10: Trusting unreliable sources for parenting advice

Your neighbour says it's okay to let the baby suck her/his thumb. And you agree to it? The most common mistake every new parent makes is taking parenting advice from the wrong people. You must appreciate that they care for you and your baby, but when it comes to parenting advice only trust the experts. You can always go to an expert for the problems related to parenting or surf the internet for the information regarding new parenting.

Remember all parents sometimes make mistakes, don't beat yourselves up about it just have faith in your instincts and ask for information when you need it.

Must Read: The Tot Tear Manual: Understanding Your Baby’s Cries

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  1. ‍Best Pediatricians in Bangalore
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  4. Top Children’s Specialist near me in Pune
  5. Best Child Specialist doctor in Chandigarh
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