Sponsorship Programme in association with BAPIO

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3 years

Learning Path
  • Training Programme

  • Clinical Placement  

Course Eligibility
  • MBBS



Cloudnine Hospitals, India’s largest hospital for maternal and childcare along with the British Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (BAPIO)Training Academy, UK has initiated a global training program for doctors interested in pursuing MRCOG/MRCPCH degrees in India.

MRCOG and MRCPCH are masters’ degrees in Obstetrics and Gynaecology (OBG) and Paediatrics provided by Royal College of England. These are highly prestigious degrees recognised in both India and UK.

Cloudnine Hospitals is offering a training program for these degrees (MRCOG/MRCPCH ) for the first time in India. This training will enable doctors to take Royal College exams in Paediatrics and Obstetrics and Gynaecology (OBG) without having to leave India.


This is a 3-year program where you will be working with and learning from leading doctors in the country in the mother and childcare space. You will be receiving top-notch training from both Cloudnine doctors and BAPIO training academy to prepare you for all the MCROG/MRCPCH exam in India.

It opens an opportunity to all the MBBS doctors across the country who have been unable to join postgraduate (PG) courses in India to become members of the Royal Colleges of UK and become specialists in Paediatrics and Obstetrics and Gynaecology.


  • Cloudnine Hospitals and BAPIO Training Academy will collaborate on this program to provide MRCOG and MRCPCH training for physicians in India.

  • By covering the cost of the full three-year program, Cloudnine Hospitals will participate in and invest in the education of its physicians who specialize in pediatrics obstetrics and gynecology. (T&C)

  • For MRCOG and MRCPCH courses, this program is being provided for the first time in India. It will make it possible for medical professionals to sit for the Royal College tests in OBG and pediatrics without having to travel outside of India.

  • It provides a chance for all MBBS physicians nationwide who were unable to enrol in postgraduate programs in India to join the Royal Colleges of the UK and become experts in obstetrics and gynaecology as well as paediatrics.

The True Worth of MRCOG and MRCPCH in India:

  • Work under top doctors in mother and childcare space

  • Learn advance clinical knowledge under expert supervision

  • Eligibility to practice medicine in UK

  • Career advancement and personal growth

  • Monthly stipend of upto ₹55,000 per month

  • Job opportunity at Cloudnine Hospitals post-completion of the degree

  • Complete sponsorship of the training program worth more than 20 lakhs

Programme Structure

3 years in the OBGY department.
3 years in the Pediatric department.

Training Program
Clinical Placement
3 years in OBGY department atCloudnine Hospital
3 years in Pediatrics department atCloudnine Hospital
Preparation of examination
Part 1, 2 and 3
Training / Apprentice
Core (Clinical) Competencies in OBGY
Core (Clinical) Competencies in Pediatrics
Training provided to
Medical graduates in OBGY
Medical graduates in Pediatrics & child health
Course completion
Post completion
Career path in Cloudnine Hospitals or anywhere else in the world
Career path in Cloudine Hospitals or anywhere else in the world

Programme Structure

Training Programme MRCOG
Clinical Placement
Preparation of examination
Training / Apprentice
Training provided to
Course completion
Post completion
3 years in OBGY Dept. at Cloudnine Hospital
Part 1, 2 and 3
Core (Clinical) Competencies in OBGY
Medical graduates in OBGY
Career path in Cloudnine Hospitals or anywhere else in the world
3 years in OBGY Dept. at Cloudnine Hospital
Core (Clinical) Competencies in Paediatrics
Medical graduates in Paediatrics & child health
Career path in Cloudnine Hospitals or anywhere else in the world


What is BAPIO?

BAPIO stands for the British Association of Physicians of Indian Origin. It's an organization that represents the interests of Indian-origin doctors working in the United Kingdom.

How does BAPIO support training for MRCOG and MRCPCH in India?

BAPIO provides support and guidance to doctors pursuing training in various specialities, including MRCOG (Obstetrics and Gynaecology) and MRCPCH (Paediatrics) in India. This support includes mentorship, educational resources, networking opportunities, and advocacy.

Do I have to be of Indian origin to benefit from BAPIO support?

While BAPIO primarily represents doctors of Indian origin, its support and resources are often available to all doctors, regardless of their ethnic background. However, some services or programs may have eligibility criteria.